GPU prices

So when will they come back to normal?

not in our lifetime

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Demand outpaced supply and i’m sure the vendors are loving the big price tags. My guess is it really depends on when demand drops and they need to move items at lower prices. I built a new rig over the holidays and dropped in a new GPU based on tech several years old just to get the price under $500. So I’m hoping for downward trends, but still looking for it to happen.

This problem isn’t going away anytime soon. We still have a global CPU shortage.

The new problem will be the world supply chain disruption coming out of Russia.

Apparently, 50% of the world’s neon supply came from the Ukraine. Who cares about neon right? Well, neon is the main component to make the lasers they used to etch semiconductors.

So… get ready. The long term future is about to get worse.

SO basically unless I sell a kidney or win the lotto I wont be able to upgrade my toaster


It’s never coming back down, now that manufacturers and retailers have seen what the market will bear they’ll keep the prices high. Expect the MSRP of all next gen cars to be higher.