Got the Darkfallen skin

But where do I get the Dark Ranger armor?


Thank you very much.

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Its very cool. My darkfallen night elf won’t be a hunter but my night borne can wear it just fine. I preferr the darkfallen customizations for night elves over blood elves, though the blood elves look really good too. How long did I stare in envy when I see dark ranger npcs with the red eyes. Even the unholy trainer in acherus has the red yes. So blizzard, why can’t the Blood and Night elf death knigts have the red eyes too?


I’m the opposite, prefer the Blood Elf Darkfallen over Night Elf, but after looking at the Red eyes and pale skin I’m sort of left wanting it for Death Knight, can you imagine a Blood DK with that skin? Full on vampire.

To each their own. But seriously, let Nelf and Belf DKs have the red eyes. Again, that one death knight npc in acherus gets it. Why not the players?


I’d definitely like to see red and green eye options for Death Knights, for Blood and Unholy spec respectively. The default eyes are too frosty.

Fair point. Think it’s too much to ask for demon hunters to have the darkfallen options? Probably is a bit story breaking though. I think I"m asking for too much. Personally I do like both darkfallen versions. I just fallen in love with how I customize my night elf so I guess I’m a bit biased. Ironically I favored the blood elf darkfallen at first cause we saw the dark rangers way before sylvanas even touched the night elves. Night elf dark rangers are fairly new

The weird red color under the Night Elves eyes doesn’t bother you?

The face option I use doesn’t have it (or maybe my memory is crappy) but honestly I like the red coloring acting as a sort of eye shadow. Trust me though, minor stuff like that would bother me. Like the way draenei’s horns will clip into the hairstyle. It’s been a bit since I’ve made one.

It’s cool. I can use it on every elven character except a DK or DH (which would be nonsensical from a lore perspective). The only thing that’s vaguely irritating is the automatic tie to a specific skin tone.

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I think if horde ever get’s San’layn as an allied race, they’d untie it to the one skin tone.

Same reason there’s a night elf paladin npc ingame but players cant become one :thinking:

Yeah I think blood elves have like only three face options. It’s just limiting. Let the white skin stay but what the point if it’s so limited? It’s a lesser version of the worgen customization issue

I keep hearing about a night elf paladin. I’m sorry, I’d love to see a darkfallen night elf wield the light along with the blood elves. Plus how cool the cat mount would be. Is this night elf paladin in the class order hall cause I haven’t seen her

There’s 3 night elf paladins too…

Okay so they let three classes be available to all races, yet night elves can’t be paladins. What? And we had three who were in the paladin hall. Sounds a bit unfair night elves can’t be paladins, especially now if some have lost faith in elune which I don’t boabe them at this point. Elune sing my favorite person right now

Blizz said they want to unlock race/class combos but the ones that take more assets, pallies with their chargers, shammies with their totems, and druids with their forms, will all take longer to do.

I imagine it looking similar to the Priestess Moonsaber from BFA, maybe with some more radiating moonlight

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Gotta say, I’m heavily tempted to use this skin for Alliance Warlock, Not sure if this, void blue or regular… Gah why is it so difficult to nail warlock for alliance?