Got Stress Test Email but not available in BNET

Anyone else have this problem? Got the “Many Whelps, Handle It” email saying i have been selected for stress test today at 4pm PDT…but its not available to me on battlenet.

Are you selecting the correct client which is ABOVE the PLAY button in a drop-down menu on the WoW game tab on your Bnet launcher?

I heard it shows up if you restart the battlenet app. Worth a try.

Nope this post might be right. They sent out error emails. I am an error.

I got the email about 10PM last night, and the option didn’t pop up for me until I turned the computer on this morning.

Try this:

Bump/. Seems to be happening to people who have 2 ptr accounts

I am confused, I do see different things being said from blizz posts unless I am not understanding. The post on top of this forum blizzard sticky section.

I took it as we should be able to see the download and download it. I saw another recent post some where from a GM, that made it seem like these were prematurely sent out, I am guessing the emails… Seeing its not meant until today the 22nd.

I tried logging out etc, and I still have nothing for this in my region/account of the launcher just the live game and a few PTRs for BFA showing.

Any Feedback be great, Thanks

I do have 2 PTRs maybe thats it, wonder how we can remove them.

I talked to a gm and apparently they can’t needs to be done by a higher support team