Got something to say


will anyone ever play Street Fighter 5 with me


will you play actual good fighters like smash


will i ever get good at fighters in general


will you be a sober water fowl

sober water fowl: MELEE

i read that in the announcer’s voice

dangit i was going for the ancestor/narrator from Darkest Dungeon

how quickly the tide turns

Many fall in the face of chaos but not this one, not today.

a SINGULAR strike

Darkest Dungeon is 100% the most heroic feeling game I’ve ever played.

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Ironic, for a game that is depressingly bleak and horrific with its enemies and story.

I forgot a thread.

Have a cat.


Watching my team that’s been through hell this dungeon camp and talk about how things aren’t that bad as they burn off stress. The warm glow of the fire. Everyone felt like they were there for a cause greater than themselves, and if they died in the attempt then so be it.


This isn’t even drama though! Not that the cat is unappreciated.

“Circled in the dark… the battle may yet be won.”

It’s especially poignant for characters like the Abomination, Shieldbreaker, and Leper. They’ve all been scarred both physically and mentally, and to see them carry and be carried by their teammates, trusting them to keep their stress in check and mend their wounds, and even fight off nightmarish flashback… it’s really heartwarming.

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I mean, I can give you drama, if you want.

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I don’t like that cat. It’s evil.

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Its smug aura mocks me.

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