Got something to say

You’re spitting a little. Here, have a napkin.

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Don’t give me that look.

I have a response, I swear.

I came here to pretend to be offended at being called a nerd, y’know for comedic effect, but now I see that Ellivara is posting cats. I’d be angry that they’re lording their image-posting-powers over me, but… cats… This is a good thread.
I like cats.


Technically a cat.


I find it amusing that ‘nerd’ has become a badge of pride when a few decades ago it was a free invitation to have people beat the :poop: out of you.

Then again, nerds rule the world now so :man_shrugging:t5:

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We have Zuckerberg. Score 1 for nerds. Your move, jocks.

Edit --> I take that back. We don’t want him either.


And damn proud of it!


tell me something NEW :smirk:

jocks and nerds combined to form people who play sports video games

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oh god


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It’s weird that we don’t portray dwarves as scary.

They’re incredibly angry, sturdy people whose armor is near impenetrable, whose weapons are flawless and, depending where they come from, they’re either riding half-rabid flying monsters, piloting gigantic siege tanks or summoning horrific elemental monsters that they only barely know how to control.

Once they fixate on an task, they pursue it until they’ve completed it. Poison doesn’t slow them down, wounds don’t seem to bother them–they’re resilient to the point of being virtually unstoppable.

And on top of all of this, they do most of it while drunk. And the more they drink, the more unstoppable and the less reasonable they become.

By all accounts, that should be terrifying.


Yeh but they got funny accents


gottem, roasted


dwarves aren’t scary cause they got thick accents, don’t have scary deep voices, and are drunk