Got my first taste of AV as alliance

For wow pvp to be “fun” delete the racials and remove all gear farming incentives.

Have it just be about the pvp.

Otherwise it’s all junk.

Yes, I know, but I’ve seen vastly superior alliance teams that are basically just not trying and instead just rack up tons of kills at SH GY until horde teams figure out a way to get enough people alive up to SP GY or backdoor Aid.

I’ve seen games where horde forfeits SH GY and just tries to contain the alliance there (which isn’t hard if alliance isn’t moving).

Believe me, I know all of the problems with the map and have posted at length on them.

I’m just stating that we’re in a situation now that unless it’s AV weekend and you have some GM/FM/Marshals on board, alliance isn’t going to try to win. The whole thing is a mess and the map needs changing.

That’s always been wow pvp.

The distraction for gear farm trumps the incentive to pvp. All pvp is about how to meta farm the gear. Not about competitive pvp, or enjoying the pvp…

They pretty much tried that in recent expansions and it has been an absolute failure, so I do not agree with your perspective.

Ya. So what does that tell ya about the playerbase here?

Hence why I don’t bother with wow pvp…

Wow PvP has had it’s good moments in time, that can’t be denied. Classic and the current expansions are admittedly not those times.

I am still lost as to why you are even invested in this. You benefit from the current state of AV, and virtually any changes would be detrimental to you. The queue time isn’t AV, it’s the population ratio.

So, given that, I’m inclined to view this as condescension, tbh.

Map issue. No fair game in the history of mankind has a 100% win ratio for one side over and over again. There are cases where a team is undefeated in modern times in professional sports for a season, but that is always for a limited time and with the same players. AV in this game is pUgs

Because I actually enjoy AV a lot more than the other 2 and so if the map was balanced and queues came down to around 30-45 min, I’d basically just play a lot more AV. A big factor in the queue times is the complete lack of high rank alliance players queuing up for AV. I’d imagine the number of AV queuers would double on alliance side if the map was fixed. We’d see high rankers probably join more often than currently where they only join for AV weekends.

I pug bgs and pugging WSG/AB is straight up cancerous given how many premades you run into.

To expand a bit, the whole reason I started playing Wow classic was for PVP and especially PVP inside AV.

Back in vanilla, I pretty much leveled from 51 to 60 in AV. That’s a huge part of the nostalgia that I had for vanilla.

The best AV matches right now only happen during AV weekends when you get a party or two of helmets on the alliance side and they actually make a game of it.