Got literally 1 hit KOed by a rogue

Full pvp geared warrior got 1 shot by a rogue. 1 hit KO.
Wtf is wrong with the world (of warcraft)

Yeah, Rogue in wpvp marked you then stabbed a level 3 wolf for 400m damage. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Spriest Psychic Link can also do this I believe.

Woe unto ye’ that duel in Goldshire or outside of Orgrimmar in War Mode.


Ofc it’s razerstrike, hes been sitting in the stormrage phase all week camping inside the goldshire inn doing the deathmark exploit to anyone who logs in.

some people just have no lifes :face_exhaling:


Thankfully you can’t do that in any instanced content!

P sure they can get banned for that?


Looks like multiple hits to me. Jk git gud jk I like chicken wings.

This is definitely an unintended use. Seems like an exploit to me

How exactly is someone doing this? Don’t worry. I’m not about to get banned for some nonsense, I’m just wondering what the hell these mechanics are that allows this to happen. Do you happen to know what is going on here? What kind of setup allows this?.. :thinking::roll_eyes::unamused:

They landed a mark on this guy, and transferred the damage they did to a low level wolf towards his character with the max level vs Low Level multiplier?

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From my understanding of it your guess is exactly whats happening. So the particular guy in the ss has been marking people then running up to one of the low lvl npcs / guards or like a wolf and jkills them etc and you take like 8mil dmg. I’m not entirely sure on the setup cause hes vanishing or entering a delve to avoid people ganking him but I think it’s really just the debuff then kill a low lvl mob.

Ya. Ambush puts a debuff on a target. Any cleave/damage to a different guy does 35% to marked target. Backstab wolf for 25 million, 1shot guy.

Depends on the gm. I’ve seen people get banned and not banned depending on whether they view it as a bug or an exploit.

Usually they don’t get banned for opwn world ganking, because you have to willingly opt into pvp and there’s nothing gained in the mode, so you’re not “exploiting” for an advantage :confused:

I’m very sure if they were doing it to kill a boss or obtain loot, they would definitely be banned. Luckily this kind of exploit cannot be used to do that and obtain loot from bosses because of the level thing

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Actually all your self heals are more of a concern.

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