Got a mount and collections didn't get updated

I’m currently working on getting the 350 mount achievement and I just finished glory of the draenor hero for the boar however the achievement didn’t update…I was at 341 mounts prior to getting the boar and I’m still at 341/350 mounts…does it take time to update?

The achievement only tracks the highest number of mounts you have on a single character. Class specific mounts only count towards it when you’re playing that class so you might have to hop around a bit to find the character with the highest number before it updates.


that could take a while I have a lot of character lol

thx for the reply :+1:


Good question I’m over 500 mounts and didn’t get the achievement for it and the Otterworldly Ottuk Carrier.

I know my main reads over 500 mounts.

I’ve been over that number for 6 months.

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If you’re a horde character, all the corresponding alliance mounts can be in your collection, but not count towards the achievement total. Same for profession and class mounts.

Best bet to maximize the possibilities is to make like a tailor engineer paladin…


The most common ones to have extra mounts are paladins, warlocks and engineers/tailors.

Or if you played during legion anyone who got their class hall mount

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Good to know I thought it was my remix mounts that didn’t count.

yes your suggestion worked perfectly…I logged on other characters and it’s now updated

Thank You