After the 8.0 patch (and even before in Legion, but now it's worse) the artifact does zero damage to any mobs. You literally have to kill them one by one and the artifact is not helpful in the slightest. This is definitely not intended and appears to be a byproduct of the squish.
Yup, just tested: the best way to complete this is simply to die and lay there while the NPCs do everything. It's impossible to do yourself, but they have little problem.
It feels like one of those things where the whole leveling balance system has turned the masses of grunts and snipers that get summoned into far tougher opponents than was originally intended for this scenario.
On my level 97 fury warrior my strategy ended up being to pick off individuals one at a time but it was a bit goofy and like others have said the npcs did almost all the work.
Good to see Blizzard gives a !@#$
That’s really weird, because it was bugged and had been getting worse since the first item squish post-WoD. But my first (and only) run post-8.0, it appeared to be fixed! Everything was just like it was back in the day. Looks like they “fixed” what was fixed and broke it again. That sucks.
I had the same issue with another character, turns out there might be another group further in the back that isn’t engaged. This is what helped me get through the rest of the scenario relatively quickly.
I had difficulty moving from Stage 1 to Stage 2.
After defeating all available Iron Horde in the vacinity, NPCs are left standing around waiting for Stage 2. If this occurs, move up towards Goc inside the Iron Horde encampment and you will find a group of Iron Horde who have not been engaged. I’d recommend waiting until you have the artifact up so you don’t have to kite/kill these yourself (NPCs won’t help you up here).
After killing remaining group of Iron Horde, you’ll move into Stage 2 will relative ease.
This worked for me, thanks so much! I just left Draka and continued through the gate up the hill and there was a pack back there. Once killed, this moved me into Stage 3.