Gorgonnash Horde Reconnections

Ordieth here. I started out in Deathstalkers, Moved from there to Luck. After that my schedule forced my to play with the oceanic crew on Gorg in a lil guild called Unholy Evangelists. After BC we shortened it to just Unholy. Some that I miss the most for sure are Kolinix, Kaneslayer, and Bonsey Bones!

Majnen here. Played an Orc Warlock throughout classic, first in Blades of Light, then Unholy Evangelists, then Frenzy.

I remember the Alliance / Horde bingo games on the Gorgonnash forums back in the day, and whoever made the horde killing version put me near the centre somewhere, so I was often getting ganked.

Also remember server first onyxia kill, getting free Naxx attunement because I’d spent so long farming in the plaguelands, and jumping around the Orgrimmar bank roof a lot.

Later moved to the UK so rerolled on an EU server, then moved to New Zealand where I am now. Going to be playing Horde side on Arugal for classic along with a group of the old Unholy people.

Hope to see some of you in game!

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I raided with Spaceballs in SSC and DJpenguin…Was Lucent Hunter

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Sup fools. I’ll be on Faerlina with the other streamers. If you frequent Twitch come say hi https://www.twitch.tv/gloriousdjpenguin


All i remember was grinding high warlord with dogma for months . Its all a blur to me lol
i played an orc warrior warmak

Were you ever in a guild named Fortitudine Vincimus?

I played with some friends on Gorg. I was Fidgeter, and had friends Cardnyl, Cerias, Locrian, and Devem as some of my RL friends I played with. Devem and I will be coming back, hope to see some familiar faces!

Created a discord for everyone to more easily connect…

https colon forward-slash forward-slash discord dot gg forward-slash v5CDG6m

Hey all! I played at the end of vanilla/beginning of BC on Gorgonnash. I was in Deep Blue and my main toons were Faedil-Priest & Nyorai-Paladin. I remember so many people - miss those days.

I also remember a deep-seeded rivalry with the Alliance guild Serenity. So many impromptu world-pvp sessions. WoW was such a different game back then…I hope Classic brings some of that back.


Haven’t finished scrolling since already recognize quite a few names and guilds, shout out to our casual but fun alliance with TDA.

MeisterRahl, Orc Hunter
Narutali, Undead Rogue
Nnicci, Troll Priest
MysticDeath, Tauren Shaman

I think those are the only ones people would remember me from.

Blades of the Dragon / The Dark Allegiance the main group of people I remember.

I do recall doing some stuff with TD, US and I think a little with Frenzy at one point.

I actually can’t recall what guild it was that took my scrub self into their BWL / AQ40 progression though. I remember saving all my dkp, passing on hunter T2 to save for Xbow of Smiting, and Fankriss’ spear.

Memories <3



<3 I was just thinking back when I met you with Gaborn (Troll Rogue) watching you aoe farm murlocs in dustwallow marsh.

Hardcore feels right meow.

I hopped on the discord posted above. Hoping people would be there, so empty…

Former The Horde’s Dragoons members Trender (Tauren Hunter) and Mjbalrog (Undead Warrior) looking to see if any of the old guild is coming back to Classic. We played heavily through Cat and moved with some of the leaders of the guild onto other servers as the guild fell apart.

wasnt that one lead by Shogoxt? or possibly Ariste?

BotD was led by Ariste. I can’t remember who led TDA. They raided together for a while.

Yessss Shogoxt was TDA and Ariste was BotD. I might actually hit her up later. I am not in contact with anyone else really. Even Cyberchicken/Gaborn and I lost touch.

So I assume whitemane is still what most of us are using as the defacto gorg? Are any of you thinking about jumping to one of these new servers?

On a side note, I’m sure this is not right, but in my mind “Blaumeux” is 100% pronounced Blamo :rofl:

I played from day 1 when WoW first came out.

Troll rogue named Koganinja.

I would stand on the mailbox in Org unlocking lockboxes… but in my yell I’d call them cockboxes lmao.

not sure if i’ll find anyone i remember or who remembers me. if ya do tho, holler at me. me and a few friends are goign to be playing classic.

Hey! I played as a horde mage. Was known as bothe Aretemis and Teelnai. I’m hoping to find Muidem, an undead warrior. Guzwar a tauren warrior. And hunteruber a troll hunter.

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Ahh Sepz you’re alive !!! Omg, Yes I remember Game, and Tot and Aggro as well. I’ve got “Malhavoc” reserved on Herod right now on the horde side. I think it’s where I’ll start but I am not sure what class to play yet. Part of me wants to go pure masochist and level as a holy priest… lol. Hit me up next week !

Was in Frenzy back in the day. Quit WoW right around AQ release (was either quit or flunk out of college at that point). Renewed a month or two every few years or so since, but miss the old days of Molten Core.

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