Gorefiend Alliance Reconnections

Haylon - Human Mage
Guild - Red Devils
Holy Nostalgia

Can we just go back to BWL… I miss that entrance! Good find on the video! Currently rolling a dwarf priest, playing on Bigglesworth, queue times are bound to be savage the next few days, the weebs will filter out. Will keep an eye on this post, hopefully more find this!

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
    Hectar, troll shaman.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
    Band of Chaos
    Limbo (and Limboftw)
    Nocents Reality
    No Quarter
    The Rebellion
    Damage Networks
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
    You too Alliance players! I remember all the fun times of Horde vs Alliance on Gorefiend (DB, Sin, RS, and many, many more…)

Battle tag is Thoden#1750 if anyone from back in the day wants to say hi

Thoden#1750 if you ever wanna hit me up bro!

Got to level 13 on my Alliance lock. same name, Apey.
Gotta go out tomorrow. ree gn

It was good to hear from you Curm. I have a lot of good memories of running around with you guys in the Divinity crew. Let me know where you end up. We’re on horde side on Stalagg right now but the boys are talking about jumping ship to something less populated.

Wedge#1119 is my tag if you want to add me

I think we should all be looking for something less populated. Every realm is at full right now.

I really think in the next few days, or by next reset, that things will calm down. I am basing this on the rage I see in general and trade chat about how “not so rosy” classic actually turned out to be! My guess is, the tourists will clear out in 7-10 days.

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Yo dude! I’m from Horde-EPK (Reflexz/Krackerjak) we used to clash with you guys ALL the time.

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Dude I remember EPK so well. Even named a rogue that name in honor of you guys. Respect.

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Welcome back all! I was horde in a PvP guild called EPK/Rune and we used to constantly battle Sinister :wink: Just looking to connect with anyone! (currently on Blaumeux with some RL friends, come join!)

Reflexz- Troll Rogue - EPK

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Come out to Blaumeux server bro!

Sup Gorefienders,

Aigi, Dwarf Priest. Played in Gypsy Warriors, Ember, Dawn Breaker, briefly in LYL, hung out with Deus Vult before they became DI (DV was the cooler guild, not sorry).

Welcome back everyone. I was peer pressured into rolling a Horde priest on Herod, but I’ll probably roll a dwarf priest somewhere at some point too. Hit me up!

I’m especially looking to reconnect with Frostymug and Pantzer, but it’s always a good time to see anybody from the old days. What’s up Jacht, Mikegnomez, Trisha, and Begbe! Miss you all, in your own ways.

Elroydb, if you show your face, you still owe me an Arcatraz run.

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I’ve been peer pressured into rolling Horde on Herod. Once I have mind control, I’ll still heal you in the wild, if I run into you.

Qoe, I think I still owe you 2k gold. Plus interest. Hit me up if you want to collect - it’ll be a while before I can pay you in classic currency though.

Me and my girl are both level 20 on Herod :confused:

Thanks, let’s hope so. I’d love to start playing and raiding again.

I ended up going to Sulfarus, would rather play the game on another server than not at all

Well we got a squad on our Blaumeux if you ever want to make an alt :smiley: No worries though! Still trying to find some of the others

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