Gorefiend Alliance Reconnections

What’s up man! Hung out with Count last night and your name came up. Add me on BNET: Torc#1418

99% chi down

Rontavius - Bear Druid Mostly did PVP runs with Aeonic, Wrylogic, Arodney, Vorkar, and a bunch of other really good PVP’ers.

Achilees, human rogue
where cmw at

Gents, considering the evolving situation with the server populations and the expectations regarding queues (shoots, we seldom saw anything over 2000 except during xpansions), have any of you rethought your choice of server?

I confess, I took three names on three different servers (1 horde, 2 alliance) rather than reserve my old name anywhere. I figure that many of us are going to get to that first day and want to get started, but sitting thru a 10k queue might get me looking to see if all three servers, or perhaps ones I haven’t even considered might be better. I’d like to run into people I know from the old game, but then again, we can’t pick up where we left off. I’d be delighted to see a few old names, but these populations really throw that into flux. And none of us want to drop down to a low pop server. Frankly, I, and many friends from Fusion, left Gorefiend because, despite some great players, it was underpopulated and was getting stale. There weren’t enough Horde to push back against Alliance, and the drama between certain guilds got old. That junk will show up everywhere anyway.

My suggestion - if we can make the guild name - whatever pvp server you end up on, make an alt and start a guild called “Gorefiend Refugees” and then perhaps we will see a little order fall from the chaos. With what I have seen, people are going in so many different directions, and none of them will make any sense until you actually see your toon in a starting zone. How we connect afterwards in game, and perhaps how we keep this forum channel going, will determine if any old connections will resurface.

That being said, there aren’t many like Jacht, who somehow had time for great raiding with the different guilds he was in (Drbeane says hi, btw) but also ran some great pugs for the nightmare dragons and Azuregos. He, Averun and a few others made the game better for all of us! Jacht, Herod seems crazy busy, so chime in if you choose a different home!

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I switched servers; Not dealing with a 10000 queue, don’t got time for that :’/! I am just going to use the free char transfer they will eventually give to fix everything, or even just pay for one. After all the crazy slows down the first few weeks. Would love to meet up with some familiar people I had the pleasure to play with back in the day.

Back in the days of Gorefiend… Tiengra: Human Paladin. Red Shirt. And before that, back in the days of the original release year before all the raiding guilds were a thing, Knights of the Alliance. Just wondering if anyone is still around that I am not still in contact with that I actually knew. Was never big into the drama and politics of the server really.

add me corey#12281

Tiengra whats up my man!

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Also going to post here. Word has spread and I believe a lot of the alliance old folks are now moving to Skeram server. Herod is just too full. Skeram is designated medium. I cannot speak directly for Sinister, Dawn Breakers, et al, but I have heard from people through the grapevine that those guilds are moving there. I kept my saved name on Herod, but also saved my name on Skeram as well. I think that is where it’s going to go down.

I remember you!
Allaiford - human rogue


Ixidor – Dwarf Warrior. Ran mainly with Soul Rippers

Going back through this thread, I recognize a lot of names. It is kind of crazy how many people are coming back. I’ve spent the majority of my time on PvE servers as a casual since the days of vanilla, BC, and WotLK. Going forward, I am curious to see how well the classic thing does after the first few weeks. Either way, it is great to see some familiar faces! I’ll probably see where the majority of Gorefiend ends up after it goes live and get an alt put on that server.

Hey Sevnth! Fande here, not sure if you remember me. Was in/raiding with Nightshift for most of Classic & BC - one of the hunter raiders :smiley: Lost touch with a lot of the OG raiders after BC.

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Along w/ Earendil, Anarchs/TRS are swapping to Skeram Alliance with some of the other OG guilds. Hope to see everyone there.

Lolyn - Human Priest

I’m still in Pain Train but haven’t seen anyone else on in awhile

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Wow, Delhomme. We played together in Fusion and Core. Did my first raiding with Fusion and you along with Deborah and Mac helped me learn the ropes. Good times. I was, well, Me! LOL Shinhayato, NE hunter.
SrHard, Giterdone, Adesirena, Midge, hard to remember all the names. :grin:

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Hey dude! Thoden here. I remember you were the Lock class lead in Nightshift . crazy!! Gotta add you on B net!

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I loved reading these posts, alot of old names. Im glad i saw an old Protagonists guildie posted. Hurtenstein here Feral Druid. I still remember all the old raids we all did together.

Sinister is going to Skeram (Alliance) now also.