Gorefiend Alliance Reconnections

Sinister will be ally on herod


Was originally a dwarf warrior named “Takemeon”, guild has always been what it is now “Lazy Train”.

Just reserved my names, some heathen took Arthon so I’ll be rocking Stumpyheals as a dwarf priest.

Hit me up on live if you need a healer, for now all this hype has caused me to make a new character on Lightshope server, cant wait 13 days lol

Hey Nabi, original Trialsin here. Hope you are well! Hi to all Red Devils guildies Tigersmith, Earshot, Bora, and Genjyo too. Had a great time with all of you back then.

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oh boy lol jacht please

HI! Trialsin have you decided where you are going to play in classic?

Letifer NE Hunter
Incursion, Deus Invictus

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Seasa DWARF priest
Clan moon wolf, temp name

Shumate-Dwarf Hunter
Clan moon wolf, Temporary Name, mana tapped that and other guilds I can’t remember
Will be rolling horde on Herod :slight_smile:

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Undercooked- NE Druid

Clan Moon Wolf, Temporary Name, Art of War (until they got mad that I only had pvp gear)

Going to be rolling horde on Herod.

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This is Undercooked, a handful of CMW guys are going horde in Herod!

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Hey! It’s Undercooked! The NE Druid in Clan Moon Wolf.
A handful of CMW guys are going horde on Herod.

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Robyn - hope things are well - I played Malae, probably 7th on the druid list for Fusion before switching servers with Var, Ono, Midge and a few others. . . Fusion was a great guild, not in small part because of the officers.

Thanks, glad to know we were appreciated =P Things are good, been playing Horde since BC. Alisanne on Windrunner is my current main if anyone is looking for me =)

Hey Tigersmith - probably going to be playing Alliance on Herod since that realm keeps getting mentioned here. Would be cool to see some other Red Devils on there. How about you?

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Hello…good to see ya…still collecting trinkets? I’ve never played horde really…prolly going to stick with alliance on pagle

Pythearon - NE Warrior
Red Devils


Verkocht, NE Hunter, Fatality/Fatal. Likely rolling alli on Thalnos.

Earendil#1914 for those alliance TRS looking for the TRS guild (either in retail OR classic). Will be on Herod server.

#WeEatOurYoung #WEOY

Also what was the line we posted anytime anyone from another server posted on our forums? “you and your server our trash go back where you came from” or something? was like a meme unto itself!

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Phils! Hey man, can’t believe I’m here catching up with my guildies from vanilla. I was nervous as hell tanking twin emps! But it was also pretty badass. So ya… can’t wait :smiley: