Gorefiend Alliance Reconnections

Gonz rogue incursion, paintrain, deus invictus

Hello everyone!
Aphrodite’s - Night elf rogue.
Guilds were Annihilation and Excessive

Arieswar- Night elf Warrior
Guilds: Annihilation and Excessive, few more randoms.

Got the same names locked for Classic!

Seeing a lot of old names and people I used to know!

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I remember you man! Aphrodites here!


Nyaahbiteme & Savinggrace … various guilds :slight_smile:

So are we orchestrating a horde guild on Herod or what???

My guild is looking to pair back up with Pain Train for Molten Core runs. Please PST.


PRAVAS! PROVOLONE! The Rogue Who Die Twice!

Hey! What’s up? Nice to see a familiar name in the thread haha =D

So where are all the Red Devils folks creating?

Aphrodite’s here! Totally would man

I was in Excessive and a few others; Arieswar and Aphrodite’s

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Aries!!! Dude you were the first warrior I saw in game with a full Valor set.

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Dwarf paladin Arthon from Stonecutter Order, looking for other players hopefully reading but not posting like I was for the most part lol.

omg Aphro!!! its Shadowgate!!!

Grim bring your butt to Herod Alliance! sincerely shadowgate

I’ll be there for sure, just trying to figure out if I want to go paladin or priest. Such a hard choice, full retard or full healing.

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Hey Reuter man. Corbiaux here if you remember me. I remember bouncing around with you doing a bit of this and that back in the day. Mainly BG’s.

Flonker#6674 if you want to get in touch on Discord. Dawn Breaker is getting back together with a fairly large amount of oldschool folks on board so far.

I’m Looking for Domin, Goosehunt, Sparcus, Temreki, Citadel, Diab, Apples, Tisiphone

Where are you Gentlement??? get on Herod

Sincerely Shadowgate

I’m on Herod. Orc Shaman named Tempest

Plot twist I will be alliance