Goodbye Monk its sad , priorities at concept design are a joke

Like I’ve said in other threads jack grand proclamations aside today is go day. And with less borrowed power to keep us standing. And without major adjustements our newest borrowed power isn’t likely to change anything.

And it still isn’t shadowlands, and its clear the development for classes has not stopped, monk isn’t the only class people are claiming is incomplete, so it really isn’t in a defined position of failure some people claim it to be.

Its just boggling to me that people are waving the end is near flags so soon when its so bloody apparent things are not finished.

I mean how many expansions of “New Xpac is coming”-> “It’s still alpha”->"->“This is what beta is for”->“The xpac isn’t out yet”->“There Wasn’t time this go around maybe next time”-> “New Xpac is coming”. does it take to realize that they want us to give up on the class. Heck things looked up a month ago with Chi-ji for MWs and that got hit hard. Our conduits across the board are Meh, and the few good legendaries we have seem to be taking hits. We aren’t in a strong place and “tuning” won’t fix it.


Almost everything you said showed they are still working on it, but bold comments saying they don’t want us to play the class is just fallacious and defeatist.

It proves they are working they on the class but just aren’t ready to reveal their plans yet.

Hell man we have had some of the same bugs for 2 xpacs, so forgive us for not having faith anymore. SEF and WDP have been having the same bugs since at least legion. And since we know we don’t see mid Xpac sweeping class changes we don’t think there is a plan. We got tossed a pity response and a few shinys back in Sept. And then back to radio silence and random changes to things without any clue as to why.


I’m not sure anything of what was announced actually counted as “news” to the people actively playing on beta or “in the loop”. It was almost like the announcement was to just get something that wowhead could post an update on for the crowd that specifically waits for Blizzard / Wowhead type survival guides and compendiums. Which makes it even more of a shame tbh.

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Well they did have the changes to I think affliction or demonology lock during Warlords. Didn’t one of them say something about the changes for that being purposely since they didn’t want players playing that spec?

Yeah, it was demonology, and I assume it was because demon hunters were planned for legion.

I know I am posting on a warlock, but I am talking about monks here, plz ignore my class.

I know I was just pointing out a point where they didn’t want people to play a spec/class/etc. And if I remember right that was more towards the end of Warlords that they did that, which does sort of line up with them doing it because of Demon Hunters.

For monks that’s probably not the case, as its more likely they just don’t know what they want to do with them.

Ya that’s not true. Blizzard decided to reinvent the wheel not develope new and untrusting abilities to replace old ones. IE the reinvented the core instead of coming up with interesting talents that would interact with the core gameplay differently.

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