Goodbye Madseason

There was nothing pure about classic, Blizzard may have destroyed the last 10 years of WoW, it took the community less than 3 months to destroy classic WoW.

It was filled with nothing but raid loggers, meta hyper ADHD pushers, people who inflated the economy by over 1,000%, pserver elitist who think they know everything and world buff dictators.

TBC is following the same path when you got people who think Fury Warriors are trash when its already parsing the 6th best spec in the game in Kara and Gruul/Mag. You know why people say that? it’s cause they keep on believing the pserver players who run content that has different modifiers than what TBC has.


So because the players changed the game that means Blizzard should add cash shop crap?

No, I don’t believe that. While I didn’t like most of those things, those were player choices. Also, while there were a lot of players who were meta driven, there were also boomkin and ret paladins with T3 gear. You could find a place outside of all the meta stuff.


Give him your farewell in a place he’ll actually see it, not on the public forum.

Its also just a ‘who cares that you don’t care?’ situation. ‘Let it be known that i don’t care about this topic, but have taken the time to come and make sure that everybody knows it’.

and yeah, it does say something that the guy is killing a source of income in, what should be, a golden era for his content.


if content creators with large audiences are leaving en masse then it speaks to the health of the game or the environment the game is in

madseason is someone who loves wow, did rank 14 grind in classic, makes very high quality production videos, etc etc and is fed up. That speaks volumes about the game as it is right now

you don’t have to care about the individual but the general trend of streamers leaving/seeking greener pastures is pretty bleak


They simply don’t want their name associated with what is currently going on (CA vs Blizzard). They seem awfully well-timed.

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Lol. Imagine associating streamers with inhouse harassment claims or thinking streamers base quittnig on that.

if they didn’t quit after the “free hong kong” incident, i doubt they make a PR decision based on these allegations now.


Feel free to leave for FF14ARR…which the irony is also has a worse cash shop kid.

Well Bell is back playing retail WoW (eww) , Asmon is still playing FF14 ARR which doesn’t surprise me when he had every BiS piece handed to him in 3 weeks of TBC, Esfrand plays WoW and FF14. Everyone else is small fish or irrelevant.

I"m almost positive I’m older than you. I’d have felt better if you had tossed out “boomer”.




Guaranteed you’re not older than me

Maybe not, but if you are older you’re one of the few older than me still playing.

You’ll be surprised, I even know people who are 46 who play WoW. Even Asmongold is 30 which is still not old or not young.

46? Bro, that is nothing.


Well, I watched his video and it just made me sad, not sad because he’s quitting (people can do what they want) but sad because I feel the same about some of the stuff he said and sad just about the overall state of things, including how Retail WoW is going etc, for all players.

Anyway, I’ve expressed my opinion on here before sometimes rather passionately. I know there are still some people having just as much fun, that’s great, and I hope that you can keep having as much fun as you have been. I also know others beyond the content producers who aren’t. :frowning:


I’m confused, I thought WOW Tokens was a way to keep you subscribed with in-game money?

Was wondering how long it would take the lemmings to post their masters opinion. How are they going to form their opinions now?!

He is probably one of the reasons you are playing tbc now…


Those same people think Combat is bad too and it’s crazy to me because I’m keeping up with locks excluding seed spam trash, I mean… who can keep up with that?

the tryhards (who probably boosted and bought deluxe mounts too lolol) in this thread pretending they don’t know one of the main youtube personalities that hyped up classic wow to begin with are just being cringe. I’ll miss his excellent content and well crafted videos, all the big wow classic/retail youtubers, have already commented on his video to say goodbye. He’s a big deal, he’s a good guy, and him leaving is shocking to me frankly, i thought he’d no-life wow until the end of wrath at the very least.