Goodbye, friends!

Gnome-lady my life is all about SOUL-STEALING, LOOT AND PECS!


I hear you. I’m not a raider. I enjoy casual arena PUGS, some BG’s and doing M+ keys. I having a hard time finding a reason to get excited about SL. I’ll probably buy and try it out; but honestly I’m unenthusiastic and totally uninspired based on what I’ve heard.

If you are a hard core raider and that’s your bag…SL should be good. The current Bliz devs appear only interested in making this game for ‘raiders only’. That’s where the bulk of time, development, balance, energy and money go. Everything else is unpolished and they get to it if they have time.

Maybe I’m out of touch. But I decided to try Windwalker today and had so much fun. Am I missing something?

No, play as you like. If you enjoy playing WW then play it. It is pretty fun to play.

It’s just strange I never discovered how fun it is until now. I have some questions though in regards to monks if you’re willing to answer. I remember a couple weeks ago there were a lot of problems with Monks according to the community. Have those problems been solved? Do any remain? Additionally, is Venthyr the current BiS?

If you are playing WW, they did just buff a few things, however bugs still remain. Particularly bugs for SEF. For instance When you use fallen order during SEF, all the SEF adds do diminished dmg. Atm I’m pretty sure venthyr and bastion are looking to be strongest for WW. But you should play what you enjoy. Unless you push super high end it doesn’t really matter.

TLDR; no they didn’t really fix most of the core problems. They did however make adjustments and apply bandaids that lessen the impact of the problems.

OP makes post four days ago accusing them of not caring.
Changes are implemented today.
Yes. It didn’t age well. Because it is not true as evidenced.
-Kalzhun, August 26th 2020; If you despise MONKS let us know.

The irony.

@OP, hopefully the priest fairs better for you. Hopefully you’ll be able to come back to monk someday.

Where is the irony? I didn’t contradict anything I said.

Also, imagine having this obsession because some random person on the internet made a joke over another user claiming a lack of attention towards monks.

Obsession would mean going out of my way to find you. I stumbled into you here talking nice about monks and found it funny. There’s a difference between remembering a poster and obsession. I shouldn’t have to explain the joke for you. =)

Remember that update you were talking about though? The one that said that they would get back to us with a blue post next week? One whole month later.

I don’t think anybody ever understood what I was directing my post at because those people chose to dogpile and spam flagged me.

I made a joke saying “this didn’t age well” when the OP was complaining about lack of a Monk blue post. Then, a day later, there was a monk blue post.

Me enjoying Windwalker, and then asking if any problems remain despite the blue post, is not irony.

Have fun with windwalker then.

I appreciate that :slight_smile: I’ve put a hold on any WoW play until SL prepatch. I’d be lying if I didn’t still wait with crazy anticipation on patch days because Monk forever has my heart.