Goodbye Faction Pride

*spent the last 15 years working with the other side to topple many BBEGs

*assumes we didnt make any friends with the other side along the way

it isn’t that hard to imagine that in reality we’d probably have friends in the other faction considering we’ve all in theory worked together plenty before


What’s peaceful about wanting to kill both faction members? You’re all a piece of copper.


I’ve always resonated more with the neutral factions myself.

I was an Argent Dawn / Crusade fanboy for years because I wanted my Troll warrior to be able to fight for Azeroth’s people as a whole, instead of wasting his time fighting the opposing faction.

Outside of the RP perspective though… I am just stoked that I will be able to play my horde characters with my friends.


To be totally fair, most fantasy games have always boiled down to “What’s your flavor of racism?”. It’s a trope as old as time. Baldur’s Gate 3 does this as well. If you play a Drow, most people look at you like you’re the scum of the earth, or will react afraid of you.

WoW was like that too, but in recent times, it’s tried to eliminate all forms of actual faction tension and racial tension. Which doesn’t make much sense considering all of the races in WoW are racist toward something, including their own allies on occasion.


Yeah. The leaders of the Horde and Alliance haven’t learned their lesson.

We however have. It’s even in Chronicle that the heroes of the Alliance and Horde routinely drop faction and work together.

Cause that’s the lesson half the expansions are trying to teach.

You must be messing around.


No it isn’t. They only did it for instances - if you want - and the outside world is unaffected. This is a cry for attention.

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I got a mount and achievement for playing both sides in bfa.

Sounds like you’re just really behind the times in wow. I’m guessing you quit in early classic and just came back?

If anything…I feel shame when discussing WoW.

Mainly because people associate the game with players that share your mindset.

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I never understood this attitude. It’s on the same level as getting into a fistfight over sports teams. It’s just so asinine.


Listen, I’m right there with ya.

It’s always been the Unique Selling Point of WoW and why, in my opinion, WoW has AND has had the best PvP oriented experiences in the world bar none.

We’ve got story after story over all these years and from people that have come and gone…

People often say now, well, you know, WoW’s gotta be like Final Fantasy and whatnot and all these other MMOs without that silly faction divide.

I laugh, and I say to myself, guess what game doesn’t even have PvP:



Did you stick to your RP and refuse to help Bolvar and Tirion during wrath? Did you refuse to help the Night Elves at Mt Hyjal? Did you refuse to help Velen during Legion? There are more but I think you get the point. The factions have always been alongside each other.


Think of it this way, when you group with Alliance and the raid is a failure you are sending Alliance players to their deaths instead of Horde ones. In a perfect war you make your enemies get rid of themselves :slight_smile:

This change will really open up the game though in a good way. Just keep it out of open world stuff (WPvP) and it should be just fine. You can RP your traitorous Horde brothers and spit on the ground as they pass!

You are correct on this topic. I’ll totally admit that. I get that some players want to roleplay that way too.

…the part I was laughing at in my post though was the OP wanting a special achievement for it.

Then don’t. Sounds like you just solved your own problem for you. :man_shrugging:


… the central premise of WarCraft has been, “there are bigger, more important things to fight than each other,” since W a r C r a f t⠀3.

Your jingoistic idea of “faction pride” has been obsolete since before World of WarCraft was a thing.


Well yeah, that’s kinda dumb. Although we do have achievements for playing both factions. I suppose there could be an achievement for. I dunno. Something.

I got nothing, I’ll be real.

No joke, had some people complain about roleplayers on my server…

That’s like being from American, going to another country, and complaining about all the foreigners.


Good. That constant yoyo of working together one expansion, and then trying to kill each other the next expansion was just annoying. I started in Legion and was actually hoping that cross faction would be in with the expansion afterwards, but nope. :frowning:

This change is a great thing. Allows people pick a race and faction they like, while still being able to play with their friends if they choose a different one. I was originally planning on only moving my Druid over, but now I am considering this character too. Have a Pupper Druid, and a Night Elf Mage. :slight_smile:


Make love, not warcraft, mon.