A lot has already been listed, there is however a good toy from the Vol’dun emissary cache that is a table that can be set down. Its a good replacement for food tables. But if you want an easy way to have tables for events, make sure you have the barn up in your garrison where it can accept large elite animals.
Take off all your clothes, EVERYTHING (if you’re high level), and go to Nagrand and just farm the riverbeasts. Throw down a trap under them and just punch them. If you kill an animal too fast the trap will not pick them up. But this the easiest and cheapest way to always have feasts for visual presentation.
Mages, as well, also have a pretty table now you can get that has stacks of food on it.
If you’re interested in clothing, you can get rep in Half Hill and work on the farm and leveling up your cooking there until you can get the apron, and chefs hat I believe? I am unsure, but I know that there are pans and cooking utensils you can equip.
I would suggest also looking forward to Brewfest, they have a lot of toys that can be used to enhanced things related brew, but I would be careful as to not spam or over use a lot of them, however, kegs usually do ok.
I am UNSURE, but I know that the noodles you can buy out on the TImeless Isle, when you eat them you see chop sticks instead of just bread or an empty hand. I am unsure if the Pandaren Noodle Cart does the same thing (it might).
But everyone else got to a lot of the good info!! Def look into food that can be set down like cakes, fish, pies and fruit. And items to dress up with really enhance the chef look!
But yes, the cooking prefession can make tables!! However they can take some time to piece together and I generally stick with either purchasing a bunch off the AH or doing my Draenor Barn Garrison method
BONUS TIP: And this is only if you really want to go out there, I would invest in getting the World of Warcraft Offical Cookbook (NOT THE HEARTHSTONE ONE)
The offical cookbook can do a lot with helping how a certain food might taste and what might actually go into it. Like the banana bread in azeroth apparently has creamcheese frosting on it! There’s also little lore tidbits as well on the pages and its a great resource for food.
Also pay attention to quests and cooking quest! You’ll learn a lot of little tid bits about food!