Good server communities are destroyed by sharding

I’ve been excited for the new zones in 8.2 but my motivation gets really killed when thinking about sharding. I won’t be fighting my old rivals in long intense fights (best part of this game). Instead, I will be ganking random questers from different servers that I will never see again, who usually don’t even fight back.

I don’t care if I am outnumbered 10 to 1 against the other faction, and I dont’t care if there is too many or too little people…Let me play with the players I recognize. The players I have played with for years. The players that keep this game fun even when it sucks. I spent ~$100 in server transfers over the years for a reason. It’s so frustrating to hear that an old rival guild is raiding Boralus but I can’t even see them because I’m phased…At least they added the portal rooms to the old cities. No sharding and lots of world pvp going on there. Lots of old friends and enemies who I have barely seen all expansion.

The worst part about this situation is that Ion told us that the sharding would go away soon after zone releases for RP servers. Oh well.


I understand why they put in the shards, but I agree that it killed any chance of building up a name for yourself among the other faction. I made a KT alt using a vanilla adversaries name out of respect for the fun we had against each other back then.