Good replacement for Z-perl?

I’ve been using z-perl (and before that, x-perl) for years, but it hasn’t been updated for Dragonflight and it’s not clear if/when that might happen. What’s a good nameplate UI that I could switch to that has better support? My chief interest is healing dungeons, and I rely a lot on these features:

Range finder (dims the name plates of players who are out of range of my healing spells)
Extra large buffs/debuffs under the name plates
Buff/debuff timers
Color change on name plates for various debuffs (poison, curse, etc.)
Moveable/sizable plates for raids (for when I do an occasional world boss or an epic battleground)

November 14th edit: It’s been updated and it’s available for download. I have it installed and it’s working great.




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It is very bad that Z-Pearl is not working anymore


Nameplates or unit frames? For name plates you have Plater and Threat Plates both working pretty well. For unit frames, you could consider Shadowed Unit Frames - works mostly but there may still be a bug between the raid frames and Blizzard’s. But it’s really close and does have those features. Plus Grid2 seems to be working pretty well.

What with all the ElvUi shills? I need one window fixed … let’s reassemble our barn from trees sourced in the south of France.


Could also check pitbull frames, its apparently updated for 10.0.0

Ive used zperl for years and have same problem. switched to shadowed unit frames and its been a chore getting it to function like zperl did. im struggling with debuffs and dispells esp as healer. some show up, some dont. ie: i cant see coat check on moroes. makes a +25 impossible. l wish z-perl would update. But with the DF ui changes I’d imagine its a complete re-do of the code.

Resike recently updated Recount so it’s likely that z-perl is also on the todo list but just not there yet.


It looks like hes a dev for all kinds of popular addons- TSM being one of the biggest. Poor guy must be in hell right now lol.

Cant wait for zperls update though. Im blind AF without it


Thanks for the replies everyone. And to clarify I did mean unit frames.

That’s encouraging news about Recount (which I also use). I’m essentially done with Shadowlands at this point and just messing around in Classic Wrath until Dragonflight comes out. So I’ll bide my time and hope for an update before the 28th.

The 28th brings more changes to the UI API so that may or may not effect when and what people do with their addons.

try perl classic I just loaded it and it’s a bit different but omg it makes me feel so so soooooooo much better

Apparently, per a patreon post, Z-Perl should be updated Soon™


So according to his Patreon, looks like he is working on a Z-perl frame 2. And i just checked in Curse, looks like there is a thing called Perl Classic Unit Frames that looks like that is it based on the description.

“Perl Classic Unit Frames are a complete rewrite of the original mods by Perl. They replace the default Player, Pet, Target, Target of Target, Party, and Party Pet frames and add dedicated frames for many other units (Focus, Focus Target, Party Target, Target of Target of Target). It has been a high priority to maintain the look and feel or the original Perl mods while expanding functionality. The mod has been recoded for performance and is built around the Blizzard UI usage of events.”

I have downloaded it and am playing around with it, and it looks like this addon is that. It looks pretty smooth and updated, for sure. Addon was added about 3 days ago and it says it’s 10.0.0 ready


Resike isn’t the dev for Perl Classic Unit Frames.

Has there been an update since this? It’s still not working in-game.

There are some posts on the Curse forum saying the author is working on it, and it’s about 80% done.

I just logged in to Curse and my Zperl has been updated to 10.0 as of 11/12/22. Thank you Resike!

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Woohoo! Thanks for letting me know! I have installed it, and it seems to be working OK.

Has anyone found a way to have the hold to cast spells like Fire Breath show in Z-Perl? Thanks for any information!

Empowered spells require different handling than other types of spells, especially for the stages, so it may take devs a bit to implement. Gnosis supports them.