I’ve taken to leveling an Arms Warrior. So far it seems like it’s been effective but there’s a lot of buttons and a lot to keep track of. Said Warrior is level 68 at the moment. Used to play a lot of Fury but never really stuck with Arms all the way through.
However, I noticed there is a lot of buttons and a lot of cooldowns to keep track of. Bleed upkeep, Smash windows, rage management and making sure you don’t rage dump so much that you can’t Mortal Strike, it’s been a lot.
I think the thing that’s currently getting me is throwing Slam in. I play on controller and I ran out of buttons to use. For a rage dump I’d rather just have it be a one button press as opposed to a multi button press like LB + X or something similar. Since it’s both a CD filler and rage dump I’ll be pressing it a lot. kinda like Arcane Shot for MM Hunter.
It got to the point where I just disregard Slam entirely and use Rend for the same purpose, which is just flat out less damage, in between all the other buttons I need to keep an eye on and use. I put Bladestorm despite it’s CD on a bumper button because outside of Sweeping Strikes it’s my main source of AoE, save picking AoE friendly talents.
Is there a more elegant solution than binding it to an awkward button?