Good names for a Cleric Class

What are some good names for a Cleric? Anyone have any ideas?

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I’ve always been a bigger fan of Geoff

A Paladin, a shaman, a shadow priest, a cleric, and downwrong walk into a bar…

only our directional lord and savior exits

Xir isnt trapped in their with xem, xey are trapped in their with xir



For real, a judge class would be pretty dope too. But i cant be spread to thin and fight on two fronts.


Blizzard should have released the class over 10 years ago when people originally asked for it.

The Clericapacolypse :expressionless:

Stop the nonstop post spam. Cool that you just downloaded WC1 and finally played it for the first time ever and discovered the Clerics in the game. But many of us played WC1 way back when it first came out and we asked for them to come into WoW for years now. 0 Blizzard responses to any request for Cleric or Necrolytes.

I asked for both to come in and as Hero Classes. That was back before we even had DH that i asked them back to come in as a hero class and when WoW first launched I asked for Necrolytes to come into the game. Clerics were split between priests and paladins.

Only Necrolytes have no form in any version of WoW. I asked for that back when WoW first came out and we got warlocks. Other people asked for it too. So yea, this has been asked for off and on on the WoW forums since 2004.

Havent you heard? We may be getting clerics bro. You should read the forums.


damn man too bad they didn’t consult you directly RIP


Who would have thought the xerson posting on a lvl 12 worgen had played the game since wc1 and has been posting for all eternity about clerics?

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but what game are you going to play as a cleric (everquest by chance??) I think in wow they are called priests

Isn’t a cleric already similar to a priest???

no a cleric in everquest is a class that can wear plate and use a shield, its more like a paladin… also, clerics need peridots to cast hp buffs, need moar dots and smite faces.

Theres a good name, smityface

This guy is completely mind broken because he refuses to acknowledge shaman being overpowered.

Im flagging you for incorrect pronouns

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Paladin or priest

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