Good morning

I just want to say, please don’t let yourself be discouraged if you try to heal or tank, then mess up, and get kicked from the group. This happened to me once a long time ago when I tried to heal and it caused me to not heal at all for several years. Do not let the same happen to you. If you mess up, who cares? Try again. Good to you :slight_smile:

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Thank you, bovine fellow adventurer; have a great weekend yourself and may there always be a green pasture for you to graze upon!

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Good morning!

I love posts like these, keep 'em up!

Today I continue my long and slow grind towards Loremaster. Fun fact: I am visiting areas that I haven’t been in more than 6 years. The way leveling works now, you never go to all areas.
I’m looking at you Winterspring! Fun times!

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My three year old went off two hours before my alarm would have, so I feel your pain.

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