Good Morning Blizz

I mean, Dracthyr / Evokers are one in the same. Racials might as well be class abilities and vice versa.

You shouldn’t be locked to them, because they are inferior to Mages, and Druids as someone else mentioned.

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While this is a true statement, Blizz’s post explaining the changes to Soar indicates that they are not looking at it that way.

This is what I am having trouble understanding, would it have been usable in instanced content like battlegrounds? I thought the idea was it was only usable in zones which if the case I cant see any issues with.

Welcome to gd

As Blizz explained in their post about it, the change wasn’t about Soar itself but the overall Drathyr racial line-up. They explained that Soar provided utility not available to other classes and nerfed it to bring the race more in-line with other races OVERALL.

This is blizzards mentality. They’d rather have 100 whales if they make record profit, rather than 1,000 with a bit less profit, but better moral. That has been their road and decision making. It has nothing to do with our quality of life or feedback. It’s about them squeezing as much as they can from people who dish out money.

Nothing more obvious can be seen in this case. They don’t even care about declining player-base, or morale as long as they make profits. I mean I’m not resubbing until possibly DF, because I’m not a consumer that allows this, and they gladly part with those people, because they’re not after the one’s with a heart and soul, they want the mindless zombies who dish out money, never question them, and defend them for anything.

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Except thats not at all what they said or what happened. They claimed it had an efficiency advantage with transmogs and chromie time. Problem is Dracthyr cant wear transmogs and cant access Chromie Time.

If youre going to troll at least make a half :peach: attempt to know what youre talking about.