Good morning Azeroth

How are you?

What’s on the old wow list today and are you on your first cup of coffee?


I am about to go to bed. It is 2am in the land downunder.

Probably going to put some attempts into the Warlock Mage Tower later today. Hopefully shouldn’t take too long once I fully blow off the dust since I haven’t played this character seriously in like a year.

Considering going out for some food. It’s 4pm where I am.

I’m well! Part way through my work week (24/48 work hours done).

Haven’t had WoW installed for some time and I hope MT has brought the game back to life for some. Alas I still have my sub till April so I will enjoy the forums.

Wishing you the best for your weekly vault friends.

Get some Tim Tams if your local supermarket stocks them.

I got some when I went shopping earlier today (well, yesterday for me) and they’re prettty good.

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Coffee currently brewing.
It’s raining in LA, so I am enjoying that right now.

Getting ready to check my vault and keys for the week before heading to work.

I doubt I can find them locally but apparently you can buy UK imported ones for 65 kr :flushed: (10aus).
Is that reasonable :sweat_smile:?

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This timewalking event has been the most active I’ve seen my server and friends list be in a long time. The Mage Tower is fun, but I really want Legion M+ to be added permanently to the regular rotation, I forgot how much fun those dungeons were.

They’re like 3 AUD on sale and 4 when not, so it’s pretty expensive.

But they’re really good and definitely not bait that we use to trick foreigners like vegemite.

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tired from constant prepping for xmas get togethers
farming out the 1 socket leather shoulders from the nexus for my lvl 10 pve twink
first cup almost done moving onto the second

Half way through it. My pally is hoping for pants from the vault to be done with SoD. This character is fully done with 9.1 content. 1 piece of CN transmog eludes me.

Let’s ask Magni… Magni: “WOOONZ!!


Had a late start this morning so yes, still working on the first coffee.

Today I’ll be working on my latest WoW project. An Alliance Hunter.
No I haven’t been kidnapped by aliens, I actually rolled her of my own free will. I love her. I’m having so much fun with her! I’ve met some incredible folks over on Medivh, and joined an awesome guild.
I’m having an absolute blast!


The wind is howling. It is so bad I had to take down my flag. We’re supposed to get a mix of rain and snow today. The VA can’t find a local doctor to give me my shot in the left eye for wet macular degeneration. That sucks because tomorrow I have to make a 100 mile round trip to Idaho Falls on icy, snow covered interstate. Good morning!? Maybe y’all are having a good morning. Good for you.

I’m going to doctor my third cup of coffee with a little Jack Daniels. That should improve my outlook. Cheers!

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Attempting to unlock every allied race. I do not plan on playing all of them but still want them unlocked. Got Kul Tiran yesterday. On to the Mechagnomes today. Once they are unlocked I am finished then on to my next OCD task. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Coffee, work on reporting software for work, try to not go crazy from fatigue from third (and hopefully final) COVID vax.

Good morning good sir, I am well, how are you?

Not sure about wow today, working and random last minute overtime has been the flavor lately.

Am doing quite nicely, since my SO is getting back from TDY in a few days. Very happy about that.

I am going to be doing more Legion TW this week, on about six different toons.

I haven’t had any caffeine today, but I am doing an at home chemical peel, so that is waking me up just fine this morning.

How about you? How are things in your world?

I’ve had my coffee. After work I plan on working on the Nightfae campaign. Pulling the ripcord has opened so much more gameplay for me!

about to get my booster shot. cleaned out the garage. vacuumed. only one glass of sweet tea. passed my A&P II exam. i'd say mission accomplished

No idea, but it involves drinking coffee!!