If you redeemed $2000 of worth of tokens blizzard stole $670 from you.
Would you like that $670 back?
They’re selling $15 for $20.
If you redeemed $2000 of worth of tokens blizzard stole $670 from you.
Would you like that $670 back?
They’re selling $15 for $20.
If it was that bad why not just take off the mog? I mean there is no sense in harassing people over it but still.
No thank you, stuff like this and store mounts helps ruin the game!
I really wasn’t going to buy this set, but if I can actually go fishing for neckbeards?
I’ll have to think about that. It’s still more money than I like to spend on games, but that may be worth it.
never change, quixote, never change
I’m too lazy to care, but calling anyone garbage for not agreeing with you and using spit emote is dumb in itself. The players have a right to be unhappy with supporting something they don’t agree with.
With that being said, harassing someone should be reported. and moved on. random /spit or whatever is fine because that is alllowed emote.
The point is, both sides have reasons to do what they do. So I’m not going to judge them.
I’m going to /spit on anyone NOT wearing the new transmog!
Except Briselody. Her outfit is good as is. :3
The victim of harassment shouldn’t have to change in this instance.
Isnt that just playing the Horde at this point?
I mean, he didn’t lose the money. The people who buy the tokens are paying that extra 5 dollars, and as someone who buys tokens to sell on the AH… It’s not a concern. I don’t even think of it in those terms.
Yikes blue parsing in classic. Hope that’s an alt
Things like this have existed since the TCG. No amount of gamer bitterness has stopped it.
As much as it sucks to lose people like over bullying, you need to grow a lil thicker skin then paper now a days.
Also here’s a nice rebuttal to them that gets them all riled up even further, so you can laugh some more: What? Too poor/stupid to plan ahead 6 months and get something for free? Sounds like a you problem.
Or the ever famous: Man how low is your life now, to try and insult someone in a video game to make yourself feel better. Absolutely pathetic.
Treat others the way that they treat you, is my motto. Play nice and be nice. They treating you like dirt? well do I have somethings in my head that i suppress just for occasions like this.
Anyway be chill all, mellow out:
are two different situations.
If you want to moan on the forums about the shop go right ahead. If you harass people in game or encourage others to do so you are trash. Full stop.
I find it hard to believe that wow would continue to support asmon…or have him at their blizzcons as a special guest when he’s been guilty of instigating toxic behavior in game from his fanatics.
I’ll be your new friend, Rhielle
I’m gonna have to wear it on every single character I have in that case
Viva la fairy wings!!
So watching someone get robbed is fine because you’ll benefit from the fenced goods?
I’m not that sensitive that I let others affect me. If someone comments on the new transmog I say “Thanks I got it free. Stay mad and poor” and go about my day
It’s not robbery you drama queen, it’s a cut taken from a transaction. Do you yell at ATMs too?