Good Job Blizzard Execs


It’s a shame. We can feel the creative losses in game big time. Hope they turn it around before we all go to gaming addiction meetings and quit cold turkey.

I guess its good fodder if you find that kind of thing scintillating in some respect but the game they’re walking away from is hot garbage so I can’t find it within myself to muster any kind of response that implies I really give a darn.

All the talent is in the cinematics and voice acting (which is awful but falls into the talent category). Really nothing else to shake a stick at.

Amazing talent??? Where??

The last 6 expansions have been absolute DOG water. Classic re release blew the doors off the last 6 expacs easily

blizzard bleeding talent implies they had talent in the not too distant past, which i doubt :expressionless:

now can someone explain what he means by “crisis maps”. the guy doesn’t do a good job of explaining it at all

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Shifts in priorities based on the people/talent currently available.

Bobby going to drive this thing in the ground before Microsoft deal.

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Then move on to the next company to run into the ground, while making bonus money.

The worst thing about this whole situation is the whole situation. No matter much ******* on happens to this game. It’s still one of the best MMOs out there, even over a decade later. I dunno how I feel about that.

Dude it sucks and its infested by bots and gold buyers that run around without anything ever being done about em.

Guild Wars 2 is better by a mile and I do not even particularly like the game. Same for Final Fantasy

Interesting share, but it seems very one-sided (on the side of the producer who has their own opinions), which is fine of course, as it seems to be very much an opinion piece.

An interesting thing is that the article mentions that a Blizzard annual report states, “labor shortages, increasing competition for talent, and increasing attrition” which of course may well be true, but there have been a lot of layoffs in tech recently, as it appears that a lot of companies are trimming the fat (higher-paid, long-term employees) and tightening up on spending.

I’d suggest that it is of no surprise to anyone that many people would quit if being called back into an office, after a couple of years of working remotely, and possibly even moving for larger homes and areas for family. And especially of no surprise to those who made the decisions to call people back into the office.

If only this were remotely true (for me), I’d probably be playing one of them :woman_shrugging:

This actually is a pretty legitimate point, I think. I’d be very skeptical that Blizzard execs are incredibly happy with the way the development of the game in recent years has been received by the playerbase, to the point that shaking things up, drastic changes, replacing teams, etc. are likely not off the table. It’s also much cheaper to replace someone who quits than someone you let go and have to offer notice and severance to.

No you just hate yourself and still have not come to terms with it.

This game is objectively not good. Unless you just pay the sub fee for forum access, in wich case… I like your style :astonished: