So, I wasn’t really interested in these experimental modes blizz has been releasing, but Remix changed my heart on it. I know Season of Discovery is not remix, but it sounds interesting, and I’m wondering if now is a good time to join, or is it about to end and I should wait for the next.
Moreover I want to be the sort of “scout” so I can see how it is and tell my group. We’ve been on a bit of a hiatus since we can’t get into TWW Keys. We need something and the next remix is probably at the end of next year so, I need to find us something!
Depends on what kinda gamer you are. If you’re serious and want to slam to 60 really fast and get geared and start raiding, you have a few weeks to catch up. That being said, there’s a learning curve with the rune system and where to find what rune - also where to actually level. You can use an add-on like Azeroth Auto Pilot, and there are these incursions which are a set of dailies that give really good xp.
It’s a lot to learn and a lot of work to catch up. If you’re not in a big rush I’d say it’s worth it. If you’re expecting to learn everything, get leveled and geared to the max in 3 weeks - it’s possible but not probable. It’s just a lot.
If you’re more casual and just take your time with everything and learn as you go, that would be fun and relaxing to me.
no play fresh tomorrow
What are you looking for?
A slog to 60 with original classes and gear itemized with spirit
An excelerated leveling experience, with overpowered classes and world buffs that trivialize all content?
I think they said som is here to stay so I would level as you can get a few levels maybe to level 10 or so for today then level to 25 and join in bfd runs. Fresh will be fun but its worth doing research for reasonable pre-tbc as it will lead to that you might want to make a character with tbc in mind.
i mean honestly its in the raid logging phase now and you missed much of the fun. youll have to settle with that if you play.
Don’t, bad time to start, start on fresh tomorrow.
As much as I like SoD, i think it will be hard to get up off the ground UNLESS you bring that group of friends that would level up together then I think you would have tons of fun. I like alot of the improvements to SoD, it definitley has had its fair share of duds, but making meme specs viable is huge and likely the reason I won’t enjoy classic classic.
It’s worth a try for sure. Leveling is fast, all the more if you play with friends. Gearing is super easy since many people run MC only for the legendaries. T1 is mostly free and so is ZG gear since a lot run it for idols and rep.
We’re probably gonna see more catch up mechanic like the war effort allowing you to up any main reputation with basic ressources like bandages, ore, plants, etc.
If you’re used to WoW you know the classic environment is a bit more gruesome in terms of grinding than Retail but SoD being a seasonal server it’s a lot faster to catch up.
Classic actually got me into rep grinds!
Every time I read anything about “fresh” i want to slam forks in my eyeballs.
I just don’t get it at this point, between 2019 classic, SoM, HC, and now we’re not even done with SoD and people are wanting restart for the fourth time so they can just get half way through that in a year just to do awnother refresh?
I would only play sod or hardcore. Fresh is a trap.
Well for some people we only had a fresh start back in 2019 so this is only the second go around. I barely even played in 2019. Not interested in SOD or HC so those don’t count.
Have fun doing delves.
Yeah start tomarrow for fresh thats the always a fun time. Even though alot of people have been trolling each other most of us will be playing fresh. Now if you want to make it harder but also give you a little rush go PVP otherwise do PVE.
I’m at a point in my life I don’t even understand fellow WoW lingo
wtf is a delve
New feature in retail. Soloable mini-dungeons. They reward decent gear quickly then very good gear at a very slow rate. Certain segments of the m+ population have their knickers in a twist over them and are very vocal about their disapproval.