Good expansion story ruined by systems/gameplay?

Exactly. If you ignored your Garrison, you were doing it your way… but it was the wrong way if you wanted that ring, or anything else.

You basically couldn’t do anything else that guy listed (raiding, pvp, etc) without needing the ring.

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LOL its funny cause I would say BFA was potentially good gameplay ruined by :poop: story.

BFA…lots of potential, destroyed by systems.
SL…low grade content made even worse by systems / currencies.

There was nothing potentially good about the gameplay, while atleast Drustvar, Stormsong, Zuldazar, Nazmir, and Tirisgarde Sound were good.

Just proves how new they are. Prolly didn’t even play it when it was live. Prolly leveled through it later on.

Shadowlands had huge potential was just dumb in that if someone of Azeroth dies, they end up as a bony skeleton in Maldraxxis, a bug or pod in that foresty-place (I literally forgot it’s name), a Blue Man Group member in Bastion, or fugly pompous nosferatu in Revendreth.

Who the heck decided this?

Much of the story/campaigns made NO SENSE.

Except, to me, the Kyrian one. The whole thing with the guy from Lakshire…OUCH!
Anyways, that one had the best story IMO. Too bad the gameplay and stuff was ungood!

Tbf. The realms we saw were just 4 of countless ones

I didn’t like how you were the leader of the halls; that really took me out of it. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

I thought that you would just be an important person in the hall, that you would be given your own strike team to command but that you’d work under NPC leaders, which really made more sense; you cannot have every player be the leader of their class hall in a shared world MMORPG.

(Granted, not every player would have an Artifact weapon, either, but they could have made a conceit to make it work; but leader of the class hall was a conceit too far.)

Also, the Priests having Shadow Priests there the whole time just didn’t make any sense. IIRC, the story was revolving around using the light and the light helping us and fighting with the light and with the power of the light and oh, yeah, we have some Priests who wield void magic. Uh… :sweat_smile:

the writers.

They could have made BfA be a story where the factions go to war over a misunderstanding. Remember, Anduin was a new king and two of his advisors, Genn and Jaina, both hated the Horde, so a simple misunderstanding could have been blown out of proportion and lead to a war.

But, no, instead, they took the path of least resistance and just made the Horde straight up evil. If you never played the Horde campaign, I encourage you to play it. They turned us into '80s cartoon villains. It was infuriatingly ridiculous. :rage:

:point_up_2: This.

Soulbinds don’t seem to have any reason to exist whatsoever in the lore other than as a way to explain why we had a borrowed power talent tree. :roll_eyes:

Are they really countless if we can count 'em… :crazy_face: :troll:

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How can you count what you don’t see? :smile_cat:

Also the whole thing of BFA was that the Horde as a whole were not villainous. They were split between the more nefarious Sylvanists and the traditional heroic Horde. That was even a choice made by the player at some point.

Saurfang represented the good Horde wonderfully, and his Makgora momebt, among others, was beautiful.

And it also gave us Zappyboi, who may be my Horde fave now.

Yeah, BFA had some great hero Horde portrayals :blue_heart:

I would say WOD. I think the story in WOD was actually very well written, for being a time-travel plot, and it was really cool seeing Draenor before it got nuked into Outland. But the Garrison pretty much ruined it. Not just from the player standpoint of having everything in the game revolve around being in your Garrison, but the amount of resources the devs sunk into the system forced them to cut so much content from the expansion in order to meet an unfair time table.

If they had been able to not focus so much on the Garrisons, we probably would’ve gotten the Shattrath raid and the Faralon Island story.

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I agree, I didn’t like that either. I like the class hall stories where they focus less on this. The mage one gave me more the vibe of “here’s some prominent mages, help them out and they will give you knowledge about stuff” and it felt a lot more down to earth.

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Currently doing the warrior class hall, and Odyn’s the leader, and the champion is kind of like the front Pokemon on his team


I had a blast in Remix with my son. :panda_face:

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The first two thirds of Shadowlands.