<Good Enough> 12/15 Naxx Recruiting

is looking for dedicated raiders for Naxxramas, 12/15
Raids are Tues/Weds nights at 7:30-11pm ST.

Current recruitment needs:
1 Holy Priest
1 Resto Shaman
1 Mage
1 Fury Warrior
Any hardworking players are welcome to apply in addition to the above classes!

Loot is Loot Council based on the loot prio you set. Performance and preparation are the main factors.
Consumes are required, WBs highly encouraged.
We have many off night raids for ZG/AQ20, a weekly BWL/MC pug, and will resume clearing AQ40 once Naxx is on farm.

PUG BWL (soft res rules)

  • 7:30 ST Saturdays
    Check our guild discord for more details.
    Players from our PUGs are welcome to apply to our guild’s main

Contact us in game or on discord!
Warrior Tankyy - Tanky#8402
Priest Heavenlyy - Khamosgji#3952
Druid Kryuus - Kryuus#3594
Hunter Snipereyes - Cal#0991
Rogue Sabimaru - SparedTortoise#3262