Good class for Dark Iron

Want something that fits them to a T. Any suggestions?

Warrior, Shaman, and Warlock are the three that come to my mind when I think DI.

Mage or shaman. Maybe rogue.

…Warrior isn’t a BAD bet, but Dark Irons are decidedly the angry casters of the dwarves. You’re a dwarf, though, so anything works with enough chutzpah and beer.


other than monk, I don’t think you can really go wrong with any class for them.

they’re very varied in BRD, from paladins to warlocks to shadow priests to holy priests.

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Fury warrior?

Thematically they’re very good with most of their natural classes.

What rings to mind for me (I played Horde a lot when doing battle for Daza’Alor) is Frida Ironbellows.

Crazy Dark Iron Crusader Paladin;

Fury of light and flames rain down upon thee.

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I can’t help but think of Chaos Dwarves when I see DI

I really should do that raid on my Alliance here.

It’s good innit?

Also it matches your other thread where you’re trying to pick a race to change to.

(Jokes imo I think humans are the best - slight bias ofc)

Yea I think I’m sticking with Human, I was just having a bad day.

Rogue. Easy. They just have that mean shady look and the first dark iron dwarfs you meet questing are dark iron spies. it fits.

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You know, I was trying to figure out what race to have a Rogue between Night elf and Worgen. for a laugh I copied my Horde one on PTR and changed him to Dark Iron, the stealth animation wasn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. Much like Male Night elves.


just how many alts you’re making. Judging by your topics you’re making atleast 4 new characters

Fire Mage .

Warrior, mage, warlock, or shaman.

Hunter works pretty well as well.

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