Edit: Sorry, Dracthyr are older than Dragonmen. This information wouldn’t help.
Concerning the Dracthyr is the ultimate form of the Dragonmen such as Maloriak, Tarvus, and Kyrak then can the cultists that transformed into Drakonids connect to the warrior Drakonids? Would those still be considered Dragonmen?
No, Dracthyr are just limited in population. Drakthyr arent going to put their lives on the line for Azeroths Champions when there are plenty of other tanking races already dedicated to defending Azoroth from whatever threats come around.
Stop asking for the Drakthyr to commit Drakthyrcide and drive them to extinction.
All of those creatures haven’t been separated from the rest of the world for 10,000 years. My thing is who would have taught them? Other than dragon abilities there was no other teachers there on the island. Once the expac launches then they can learn martial arts and magic arts but when it first launches they have no way to know any of that.
@OP I don’t know about warriors, persay, but the race should 100% be able to tank in some capacity. As it is, Blizzard is excluding an entire section of the playerbase from being able to enjoy the race at all and considering that it’s one of the box features of the new expansion, that seems like an awful idea.
Which should not be applauded.
No, I’m not going to quit asking as that is silly logic.
Know who also has severely limited numbers? Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Forsaken, and void elves. How about somewhat limited numbers after literal decades of war/genocide attempts? Blood Elves, Night Elves, worgen, et cetera.
Basically every race’s fighting forces (and civilians in many cases) are severely limited in the lore.
Those other races have traditional means of procreation, save for maybe the undead. Demon Hunters are just elves who commit to Fel and are entrenched in the theme of SACRIFICE. Dracthyr are not commited to Fel and Sacrifice and they were created through highly specific means via an aspect.
The lore here isnt silly at all. its very specific.
They are probably going to be a preorder bonus. I doubt that will happen. Blizzard is making them like boomkin druids 2.0 probably because they dont want to rig them for all the armor models.
They only have them use mail on one class and there dragon forms cant even use transmog.
There’s no lore saying that they can’t reproduce now that they’ve been created and are awake though. Not as far as we know. Hell, for all we know Neltharion created them by magically interfering with the typical reproduction process. We just don’t know yet.
If there is later, then that may be a concern for them. That being said, it makes no difference as there are plenty of races and classes that either cannot reproduce, or are dangerously low in numbers regardless of the fact.