for Legion once again.
How about no I refuse to go through vision’s also I’m starting to get the feeling that you’re the reason why everyone hates human male paladins on the forums
I guess if you got them up super easy you’d find them fun. I didn’t and I don’t. Your telling me they are fun is irrelevant. What you are saying is false to me.
Yeah it’s not for me. I don’t find the visions all that fun and I find the cloak unlock chain itself even less fun. Just did it for the third time last week on my Mage and I just don’t care for it.
Was enjoying the rep buff because it was a nice little gold farm. Anyway hopefully for the folks this next buff helps they enjoy it.
Not coming out til shadowlands so you get nothing for a while.
I know it is not likely, but really hop Blizz listens to the community and reconsiders extending the rep buff. Many ppl have not had a chance to make use of it, it’s got a lot more ppl playing, and it is a nice pick me up for those dealing with a lot right now. They should extend it and include all reps other than the Uldum Accord and Rajani.
I don’t want too. There, a reason.
The rep buff should stay, especially for new and retuning players who still don’t have Pathfinder, and after getting flying at 60, lose interest in having to play from 90 on without it.
It would be great if they extended it for ALL reps, not just BfA, and keep it until the prepatch.
As for Visions… I hate timed content, so hard pass for me.
They’ve said corruption was a 8.3 system only
Oh boy, a buff to content I have ZERO interest in doin’. Zzzzzzz.
I would hope the catchup would entail: account-wide tree research; vessel cost reduction; and corruption vendor (tier 1, 2, or 3 scroll you can buy to add a random corruption to gear).
I’m hoping for a vendor so we can buy the corruption we want. I already have 470 pieces for most every slot. Mostly with terrible corruption. If we could cleanse those pieces and just buy what we want that would be fantastic. Maybe then I would have a reason to use all my corruption to run visions.
Here’s some things Blizzard should add in on top of whatever it is they have planned…
A simple easy way to clear corruption from gear if you don’t have the cloak
If you’ve done the cloak quest chain once, Uldum and Vale dailies are unlocked for all toons at 120 without having to do the quest chain
If you’ve done the cloak quest chain once, Mother can sell it to your other toons (reasonably priced, not with some hard to get currency). Still have the cloak quest available if players still prefer doing it
It’s almost as if people are avoiding it because the content isn’t fun and it’s not about the challenge.
I’m going to be honest. There should never have been the key system in place to begin with and I agree with this approach to a certain extent.
1-No keys
2-Rank 15 should’ve been gated by week, pretty much how it was to begin with
3-You already have a gear cap, no need to change/remove that.
4-Mementos should have been currency for other stuff in addition to the tech tree and the slots on equipment. There is no need to cap memento gains.
–Purchase crafting mats w/ Mementos invalidating the need to farm stuff like Zinanthid in older content
–Purchase older essences w/ Mementos invalidating the need to do odler/unnecessary (pvp) content to get the essences that are BiS
–Make transmogs, pets, mounts and other neat things purchasable with Mementos. All those pets that drop in the instance and are worthless now? Yeah, those should’ve been purchased with Mementos.
This allows a decent grind for people with alts to work on and catch up. I know I would much rather grind out something like Blood of the Enemy on a toon in horrific visions than get it basically for free but being forced to grind it out normally first, if I were a returning player.
Still not doing visions. Maxed out cape one time not doing it again. Shadowlands is on the way 8.3 doesn’t matter and is pointless now.
I was hoping for something as widely helpful as the rep buff. I really don’t care about the current endgame.
I find it fun!
I’m still catching up from not playing BFA for like a year and a half though, so once I get past 1 masking maybe it’ll be tedious.
I’d love this as well. I’m so burnt out on farming random corruptions for them to all be leech or something equally useless. I can’t even bring myself to get excited or disappointed anymore. It’s just an endless slog of apathy without an end in sight.
But then velves would fill the forums with rage about not being legit helves (…and maybe a little bit of rage about already having reduced price transmog on the side).