Good bye 100% rep buff, hello some kind of Horrific Visions buff!

We all enjoyed the rep buff, time for it to retire now

Now time to enjoy this new form of a buff in it’s replacement!

Now there shouldn’t be a reason why you don’t want to do visions, Blizzard is giving us some kind of help for a whole another month


I’d prefer a transmog buff.

As in free mogging and old raids and dungeons always drop something you can use for every boss!


That transmog holiday problem solved

Run multiple characters on one raid

Another problem solved

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They could start by removing the key requirement once you have a level 15 cloak on your account. Boom. Thank you.

The “rewards” that you get(outside of mementos) are capped each week anyway. All they need to do is put a soft cap on the mementos if they even care about that.


I just hope corruption is not part of Shadowlands. I got my cloak to level 2 and was like… this whole thing sucks. I cleansed my corrupted items and play elsewhere.


The visions aren’t hard at all…

When you finally get to a higher rank, the areas become trivial

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What rank would that be?
All I want is the stupid backpack and Im here struggling making 100 mementos a run when I need 1000 to upgrade my next slot in the talent tree

This sucks


By rank 11, you should be pushing full clears. Also, learn more about visions, the potion system, food buffs, boss abilities, etc. It’s a long road ahead.

Thanks friend

Off I go then
Back to grinding

rank 14 cloak i just recently 4 masked a vision (on another character) i look forward to this catchup stuff since my schedule is currently wonky.

as dread stated after rank 10-11 they become easy to fully clear. You then get masks that add challenge/difficulty for more momentoes and a +5 ilvl increase in loot at the end.

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Except visions suck! I refuse to get past level one on any alts.


The only way I would do visions again is if they stopped taking the token if you die before you finish. You should be able to rez and continue.


If they still have timers I really don’t care what they do with visions, I still will not run them. My guess is not many are running them and they need to get their numbers up so they can shout “look the players loved them”


They can put a gallon of perfume on a pile of dung but it will still be a pile of dung.


let me just make 12 clothies so that I hopefully get the one cloth bracers I need off one boss in SoO.


Doing visions sucks on my mage. Maybe, I just suck. I just hate not having a stun.

Maybe at the very minimum, introduce a stun item purchasable with mentos! The fresh maker. Similar to island expedition items.

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I would rather catch up my alts and making the keys quicker to get would help with that.

Why do you need a stun? You have a sheep and interrupts, including aoe interrupts. Also I am pretty sure fire mages have some sort of aoe stun - correction ability to disorient and a knockback too.

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Fire does have an AoE interrupt with Dragon’s Breath, and does break on damage.

You can talent into Ring of Frost, and that has saved me a few times.

Sheep also doesn’t work for the majority of enemies as many are aberrations.

So, if you run as an arcane mage, you’d have to rely on ring of frost or double frost nova.

As fire, you have talented ring of frost or double nova and your dragons breath.

As frost, you have ring of frost (talent) or just slows.

I feel a stun would help immensely. Only class without a stun, and it’s incredible watching DHs have a plethora of interrupts and stuns. Kinda a weird world.

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I actually play arcane mage and things die so fast it isn’t really an issue. Not doing the mask stuff though.