His “brand” is talking about himself and RUIN nonstop on the forums (until he gets a vacation) and being really bad at PvP.
It might seem weird but most things that are fact seem weird to the small minded at first. I understand my personality rubs some the wrong way. Job accomplished on my part there. The jealousy a lot have about me is a sickness though. sure u will say no one cares or no one knows who i am. Time and time again that has been proven wrong. Time and time again the whispers i get and the folder of screen shots i have of hate and love throughout the years proves things.
I built my brand because i missed the old days of knowing the enemy or friend on the battlefield. I had to do this myself by not only doing what i do in game but come on these forums and get my name out there. I dont care if people like it or not. U are all people on a video game i dont know and really dont care about.
The reports on me the whispers like i said. The focus in bgs. I am known and i do what i do. Even an urbandictionary term made up for me. I amuses me that u guys think i take this serious but all im doing is playing a character on a game that upsets u. Maybe a little of my own personality thrown in there. But not what most think. So again im doing something right if im this known and hated or even loved for this whole pvp stuff.
and who is to say you are anything more than that to everyone else
So in other words you think you are addored by the playerbase while as you said above they are all “a bunch of strangers you dont know and dont really care about”
So i guess you think you are some god laughing from the clouds down at the serfs praying at your alter.
What is that syndrome that a person thinks the society loves him or her but in reality the people really don’t care?
Bruh, what are you talking about?
I’m obviously referring to this.
Seems like a simple opinion to me idk what it is with andrew that causes people to go into a unhinged rage and completely cut ties with whatever or who ever so much as even mentions his name
Lol ofc. I just wanted to remind you of what you said about dueling him and of what actually happened.
Well besides the ones that send me whispers saying they love what i do i would hope no one else cares about me in any way really.
And yes i do believe that. Heck i yell it in bgs all the time. I say i am GOD!
I get whispers to its not exactly a rare occurance and certainly not something to derive such a huge amount of self esteem from
Talking to a mirror? The word is “serf” btw.
Thats not the only thing i have self esteem from. But u do realize i said im playing a character right? U all actually think im this over the top irl? Like i said some of it is my own personality a lot is just over the top stuff to stir the pvp pot. But it works. I have been told numerous times the reason a lot report me on here is because i talk nonsense and no one cares about what i say. If that were true why not just skip past my thread or replies? why even bother looking at what i write or do? Its the fascination of OG.
Or because listening to someone delusionally pat themselves on the back 24-7 with great pride is extremely annoying to listen to
Bro I knew that Alec had a thin skin but honestly if that is actually true I would die of laughter…
That is beyond pathetic if true
ehh u cant here my typing that i know of. it isnt 24/7 sorry to tell u that. u can go look at history of posts and see. some threads have been made a lot replies within threads. no more than any other regular on here. like i said jealousy is a sickness. if u dont like what i write skip past it. if im meaningless and not worth anyones time dont reply to me. how many times have i said keep feeding me? the density of the population out there is somewhat baffling. maybe im just to real more the masses.
This went on for longer. Anyway, here’s the result:
Oh yeah that rings a bell…
Alec have a cup of concrete mate and don’t rage kick people just because your average <3
What it seems like is you are someone who has spent an absurd amount of time on the game and you want people to come and applaud you for it but they never do so you go out of your way to try and draw any attention you can possibly get
But what it actually is is someone who spent an absurd amount of time on this game to keep me out of jail and prison and plays the game for fun and enjoys the things he does on it. pvping, collecting, upsetting snowflakes that cant stand to see words on the internet. Still rent free i am. most likely will be until the end of this game. I cant imagine how it is to be everyone else focused on OG and what he says. I had a fun IOC earlier where the alli destroyed our wall and we still had 80% or so on thiers left. I told horde to D it up after a horde lock decided to cry and say give up. We held off for over an hour. True not a great honor gain. But it was so fun. And i play this game for fun. So i hope people continue to get annoyed at me. And those that enjoy my presence i hope they continue to.
Ogpapabear likes to set up these “stubborn turtle” games where him and his premade buddies will intentionally drag out a game for like 90+ minutes (kinda like RUIN) versus pugs
…like in this IOC I left earlier. Game was playing out normally until gate dropped, then Ogpapabear and crew set up their little “stubborn turtle” strat inside their base/refused to come out and fight
At around the 50 minute mark in the stalemate/slog my patience ran out and I just afked out, I have no idea how the game ended but I could tell it was going to be a long one
Those are the kind of antics he’s known for (basically the usual premade-versus-pugs stuff)
pot/kettle black