Gonna start leaving premade bgs

what are u talking about? i queued solo into a complete pug vs pug ioc. some dumb lock said it was over and i said no we can win. i had fun killing alli and we won. i didnt know a soul in there. but made some new fans for sure. the chat was lighting up with love for me. sorry u got stomped. but thats how i roll. im a beast.

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a 90-minute coordinated “stubborn turtle” from random/uncoordinated players? Yeah, random BG pugs don’t play like that…

Nice try denying it though :wink:


doesnt matter what u think tbh. it was a complete pug. the pugs listened to me. we overcame the dumb alli. i gained the respect of many in that bg for it. now go cry somewhere else.

Talking to that mirror again…

All epic BG premaders deserve to be banned, it’s the same as people match manipulating rated arenas & rated bgs that people get dq’d for. Disband their communities like what happened to the RMT boosting communities or change the algorithm so it’s impossible.


how so?‎‎‎

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it’s match manipulation, epic battlegrounds are only supposed to have at most a premade group of 5, queuing at the same time to skew the outcome of the match is no different than doing the same thing in rated bg’s or arenas, it creates an unfair advantage and ruins the gameplay experience. it deserves the same punishment imo.


rated bgs and arena have full 100% premade teams, there is no queue syncing there. on top of that, rated has things like comp theory and xp requirements, epic queue syncing is literally the same type of teams as solo queuers.

everything you wrote is completely irrelevant to what i said, but okay, people are still premading epic bg’s and ruining the game mode.


what you said is an apples to bananas comparison.

wrong, both are pvp game modes, manipulating both ruin the game mode for others and that’s why action is taken against it, blizzard has just turned a blind eye to epic battleground premades, with enough attention it will be fixed.

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they are different PVP modes with different rules. all rated games are 100% premade vs premade.

and randoms are supposed to be random, not pre made ( as you know since you lead epic bg premades, thus griefing)

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random is random, never know what you are gonna get.

yeah unless you premade the game mode by queuing at the same time and it’s not random at all


you can have 40 people queue at the same time and only 15 get into the same game. seems pretty random to me.

and you can also have all 40 get in, how is it not cheating by stacking an entire premade team going into a “random” game mode?

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im not using any bugs, broken mechanics or software exploits to gain an unfair advantage. nor is what im doing against the ToS. im sure you want to call it griefing, but this is PVP, somebody has to lose.

you cant honestly defend queuing a premade in “random” content, when you queue rated it’s supposed to be a fully hand picked team vs another, not a chance that one team is completely stacked in voice and the other is complete randoms lol.


sure, when you queue rated its supposed to be a handpicked team with a comp based around a theory of play. but epics are not rated, and the teams are not same, yes, its a premade, but no, its not hand picked. basically anyone who wants to join in is free to do so.