is this supposed to be an insult?
Yeah, I would disregard it. I didn’t think it brought anything to the conversation. Hence, the delete.
no harm, no foul
My community uses voice. It’s easier for me to give verbal instruction than for me to type it. My hands don’t work that well, so yeah, I use voice for everything. It’s not required, but heavily suggested. Plus, we have a lot of fun in disc. We enjoy hanging out together and playing music and cracking jokes about who put a flag in the whiny pally’s bum today.
I guess time will tell on this one.
Arenas have to be the most boring cookie cutter non thinking type of pvp. Most just copy someone else’s style and do a rotation over and over again. Some are better at the rotation so they get a higher number. It always amuses me when the higher rated arena players pull out their rating as a defense. Use terms like hard stuck etc etc. u can always tell the sweaty nerds who flip keyboards when they lose by this. And I would say that’s probably a good 99% of serious arena players. Most people just want to have fun. Not make it an imaginary career lol
Just like ruin has done for years? Mass report in collusion if they read something they don’t like. U always seem so angry. How many times have u lost in these ebgs that made u this way?
And this, is exactly why I choose to play with a community. Most of these whine and cheese threads are not about communities being too powerful, it is the angst created by disallowing self-proclaimed “I am so better than y’all” players to plow through their opposition.
It’s sad to imagine that people think progressing in arena takes that much effort, arenas are fun, and it’s the pvp game mode that blizzard balances the game around, you don’t need anything more than game knowledge and common sense to succeed.
Yeah true, rather belong to a toxic community that will just pat each other on the back and agree with each other on every possible thing over an “opinion”
i do fairly well in arena for not caring enough to want to push higher. it takes a ton of effort and many arenas to get higher ranks. i dont care for the kind of pvp but im not fully against it. im against elitist attitudes that come with it. u want to talk about toxicity? spend a day in durotar with the sweaty nerds and their bragging about arena ratings. i just personally get my season mounts and occasionaly do arena other times past that. if it wasnt for the attitudes of kids that come with it i might enjoy it more. and yes highest rating ive been was in 2’s as my arms warrior and my brother on his fire mage. we reached a little over 2k as that comp.
Arena’s nothing but pillar humping and ccs. Quite boring. I do them to upgrade my gear but I don’t like em.
or consider the fact that some people are not interested in investing in activity that raises blood pressure. Winning is not everything, and some of us understand that
Well you arent wrong about the people in durotar im sure(although durotar is empty on my realm) but you dont have to play or even associate yourself with those players at all. All you need is 2 other likeminded people who want to try and improve and not give up.
Awful lot of coping going on the last handful of replies. Glad you guys came together on a topic, though. xD
So just to recap the last couple expansions…
Blizz created systems that destroyed casual bg play. Most of the bg casuals quit. The ones remaining joined epic bg communities to queue sync and smash pugs since they get dumpstered on by the ones with gear.
I can’t say I don’t blame the causals congregating at all. But it’s wild seeing how the toxic egos have been formed. Afterall, it’s on Blizz for effectively ruining a community by failed design logic. Blizz tried to force non rated players into rated and instead it forced them back into epic bgs.
I’m hoping df reignites the casual bg playerbase. I miss my brethren.
Yeah. I guess people also want to play with a large group of people in an MMO for PvP. Can you believe that?
I can’t say they ruined the casual PvP community; it’s alive and well. It’s built around many casual PvP communities created by the player base. Not rating-gating on gear will undoubtedly make things more enjoyable for most players. Blizzard should be able to focus a lot more on balance because everyone will finally be able to be just as geared as anyone else. It will make it more obvious which classes are overperforming (even if it’s obvious already).
It’s never taken a genius with template gear or without template gear to figure out which classes are over performing. It’s just the fact they can’t be asked to do balancing not that they don’t know. And so with templates gear you will just be dealing with the same class rerolls but leagues worse cause they will all have your gear. And they will remain broken for months on end like they are now
I don’t want to be mean, but if you get taken down by a fresh reroll, you should generally investigate your gameplay because you’ve probably messed up somewhere. It happens. Hopefully, busted classes won’t be nearly as messed up as this current patch, fury warriors. Otherwise, we will indeed suffer.
It doesn’t really matter if it’s a “fresh reroll” you can learn any class in this game in and out in 3 days max. Probably less now cause they are getting even easier in dragonflight