Gonna start leaving premade bgs

what happened? on my old 119 hunter i farmed enough air drop boxes to collect a gear set with enough corruption that when eyeballs proccd the shaded area would touch both staircases on either side of the sunken area in temple. no cloak to counter the effects so i was mostly fighting corruption procs in bgs.

what was fixed?
also it was better to make a 110/111 then. secondary stats scaled better.

Yeah, wanting to ban people who make the game feel alive by building PvP communities that aren’t boosting communities is a lousy take.

I think arena players like Horizons are pissed from playing their pillar-humping simulators and wasting hours using the awful LFG system. It’s unfair that we’re having fun while they’re dealing with that noise.

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You do have a point… just wear a hat. No one will see it.

There’s premades on both sides. so chances are just as high they get into a premade on their team, and destroy them, and get really into pvp chasing that feeling.

Because when you have that many people on discord you aren’t playing with friends, you’re directing soldiers. If Blizz wanted that many people playing together in PvP then they would allow grouping that large like they used to. They stopped allowing it because of how unfair and one-sided AV was becoming. They began allowing groups of 5, since this is a social game. I won’t say cheating or exploiting, because that term really paints it in a worse light. It is, however, queue manipulation.

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They ILLUSTRATE that there are things being said on both sides of the “narrative” that do not apply to the the vast majority of players who play the game, in EITHER camp.

Another example of the WHY people turn to communities for a modicum of sanity. While 3 or 4 people quit after the first large encounter in most EBG’s, 5 or 6 more leave due to the toxicity of the players who tend to be loud and obnoxious.

All of the talk around what other people think, what motivates them, how you perceive it affects you…is meaningless if you can’t make the effort to understand why players choose to play in a community. And if you are going to throw out that you “did join that one group that one time and blah blah blah…” you can’t pin that to every community you haven’t been in. The reasoning doesn’t stack up.

That, right there is why people premade. You literally have no idea who you are talking to, and your condescension, your ridicule of someone in the name of winning an argument actually exposes the type of person you are. You are the type of person who makes other people want to find a comfort zone.

There’s got to be a line drawn. If you can’t beat em, then join them works just fine. That’s why I run with a few guys now when I play BGs. But “If you can’t beat the 30 many premade, then join the 30 man premade” is absurd. You shouldn’t need to find a full raid group to stand a chance in Epic BGs. Especially since Blizzard isn’t doing anything to facilitate this kind of gameplay. We can discuss toxic players, but toxic players and Epic Premade groups are two completely different issues. Unless we are talking about Ruin that is.

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we’re goofing off and talking in discord, and we don’t require discord either.

didn’t really work, maybe they should allow full premades for epics now.

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Pull up my record, I have been in far more solo, losing BG’s than winning ones. I am not here crying about that, I am trying to express a point, that it is nice to play with people who play for the same reasons I do, to have fun.

Wait so when 30 man groups queue as a premade because they want to have fun with like minded people (and not just because they want to faceroll pugs) its okay, but when 3-5 duelist geared players queue with like minded players to have fun they’re only doing it to faceroll scrubs and not because they enjoy bgs with friends?

Oh man the amount of posts where epic bg premade defenders called geared players queueing with less than 4 other people monsters who couldn’t possibly be queueing just out of finding regular bgs fun


you surely see the irony here yes? If you are such an Uber geared player, why would you need to Q into a pug of people wearing greens and blues? To feel superior? To have all the admiration you feel you deserve?

You seem to overlook the obvious fact that I have been pushing here…that not everyone has some evil intent.

If players like the ones in this thread are such the very best players at epics why do they need to queue with 30 people?

My point was also that not everyone has evil intents, but the ones arguing wanted to hear none of it :upside_down_face: i clearly remember being asked why i queue and when i said because i like bgs i was told “no”

It is very ironic either way

At the end of the day we’re all kettles who need more vitamin D

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I’m actually a teapot.

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Fine you can be the teapot

Again, they don’t. If you choose to read what is posted above, it has been stated that not everyone in a community is a “leet” player. Some of us are average, and enjoy the PvP experience without the toxicity of some bellicose Uuber poor sport telling us how bad we are playing. Is that so hard to understand?

I would recommend that you not generalize all people (like myself) all into one category. Just because we don’t agree on game philosophy, you more than likely do not understand the motivation.


It’s not, but i was shown no understanding when i stated that “leet” players didn’t choose to have a 26 ilvl advantage over non leet players. Most did not want SL’s system the way we got it and we quite literally have no choice about our ilvl going into bgs (i asked if they expected us to buy a set of un-upgraded gear and to wear that instead and they called my idea ridiculous). Then i asked for suggestions on what we could do to not be vilanized over our ilvl and i was told to just not queue with friends :ok_hand: great solution lol. Thanks Ion

I’m bringing this up because you mentioned fun as a reasoning and someone in this thread on your side was very much against me mentioning fun as well :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess its mildly annoying to see support for regular players being able to queue with 30 others because its fun but a player with max gear queueing with 2-4 equally geared friends (because they met doing rated content and are like minded) is evil and can’t be doing it for any other reason than because they want to stomp

There is no cap on iLvL for random BGs and EBGs. There is a cap on party size for this content, however. It’s 5. Queue syncing to skirt the party size cap is, by definition, exploiting.

Case closed.


which posts?

It’s a moot argument anyway. There are no in-game restrictions that 5 max-geared players have to go around to queue a BG. Whether my intent is to pub stomp or not, I wouldn’t be cheating to do it.

You should just use the same ‘don’t like it join a community’ response they give you by saying ‘don’t like it, get better gear.’ But luckily gearing is changing in a month anyway.

I solo q often. :smiley: Sometimes I just wanna play and not strat call.

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