i’ve seen how everyone else plays, it why i want to play with friends. if you aren’t good enough to even make friends, there is no reason to hate on those who do.
word on the street is u might have been cheating in rated.
my battle.net list is full, i have tons of friends on this game, i just dont enjoy griefing others by premading casual content with them.
feel free to post anything you’d like about me, ive never cheated in rated.
i dont know, i talked to a guy who knows a guy and they said that all this talk about premades being cheating is to distract from those cheating in rated. take it for what u will. seems a little suspect to me
you don’t know that. a common theme in our discord from new members is how they were going to quit the game but joining our community turned that around. people like having friends and playing together. on top of that, we have stuff going on in community where people are helping each other out and meeting each other IRL. its very much like the old school guilds and part of the game that should be preserved, even at the expense of fairness of the game.
i don’t need to premade to stomp ally in epics, i premade because i enjoy the company.
same bro same
I completely disagree, any community that is made to gain an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else in itself is toxic and bad for the games overall community, especially for people that aren’t even aware that you can pre made epic bg’s, they’re going to get obliterated and never pvp again.
They were probably going to quit because of how miserable the bg experience is, making them part of the problem isnt a good thing lol
you’re toxic. our community has been objectively positive and you are attacking that. we were ahead of blizzard on cleaning up toxicity in PVP and are still ahead of the curve on prosocial aspects that make the game more positive.
you have to remember that this is PVP, you are going to lose. so the fact that we have a community is irrelevant. the only reason people don’t qq about PVE communities is that NPCs can’t complain.
Yeah, I’m sure the pugs on the other side of your premades feel that way.
someone has to lose.
what if im in a community but i identify as a pug? are u using hate towards me? i do believe thats against blizzs new tos rules
You’re stacking everything in your favour by intentionally bypassing blizzard queue limits in what is
art of war.
I’m not toxic, I play the game within it’s rules and how it’s intended to be played, I find playing a fair match more fun than steamrolling uncoordinated randoms, epic BG premades are as toxic as it gets in pvp, it’s not about winning or losing, its about having a fair opportunity to win the game.
yet you attack a positive community for being social.
It’s not losing, its forfeiting a chance to win before even entering the bg
A community that is griefing others and creating a toxic enviroment by abusing the 5 player premade party limit is not a positive community.