Gonna hit 80 soon, best way to gear?

A bit of a late start for me in WOTLK Classic, but what would be the best path for me to gear in phase 3 and into phase 4?


I’d say find cheap epics on AH you can afford and run betas with friends and guildies. PUG raids should be up there in no time :slight_smile:

pay blizz for tokens and gdkp to bis

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1 - Run bg’s and buy gear with honor
2 - Run beta dungeons to get gear
3 - Buy gear with currency from beta dungeons
4 - Try to find a spot for Onyxia, Ulduar or ToC
5 - Try to get gear from above raids
6 - Buy gear with currency from above raids

Best bet is to PvP to buy gear with honor to fill in the pieces you weren’t able to buy off the AH. Once you’ve done that you should likely be ready for beta dungeons. Then in a few weeks you’ll be able to pickup even more stuff with gamma dungeons.

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Buy full Deadly 213ilvl gear with Honor and snag a few BoEs from AH.
If your class can tank or heal, go do that.

And go crazy on dungeon farm.

Oct 10th - next phase is coming.
You can buy then full 232 ilvl PvP gear (Furious Glad) and then off non stop RDF farming for new Scourgestone currency to get 245 gear.

Ideally, try finding a guild that may be willing to gear you up.

Spam RDF as soon as it drops in P4. This will allow you to bypass the heroic lockout.


Form groups for Beta dungeons and just blast them. They’re a complete cakewalk, just kill mirror images, don’t stand in ice, and you’ll be fine.

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Gdkp and lots of store bought gold.

Could also buy M++ carry :joy:

This is the fastest way if you have the :moneybag:

Best path depends on a lot of factors. How I personally would gear a fresh 80 is:

  • use my honor cap to buy Deadly Glad pieces, and hop into whatever raids I can get into right away: P1/P2/P3 10/25 Normal or Heroic. If you can only get into a normal 25m ToGC that’s better than missing it, imo.

Anyway, with Deadly Glad (ilvl 213) and some pieces from 10/25 P1 and P2 raids, you can also run as many H++ as you can daily for any upgrades you may need, either from drops or Sidereal Essence, depending on luck, you should be around a gearscore of 4.5K+, and you may have some luck in ToGC 10/25 as well (I got 25m Normal Solace on my first week at 80 on my priest for example, which was pretty nice).

I leveled hunter and sitting at 75K honor until Oct 10. No point to waste honor points on a gear that will be obsolete in a two weeks.

Yep. That’s the way to go.
Can also still do dungeons to get Stone Keeper shard and exchange those for Honor too.
30 Shards = 2,000 Honor.
Or save those for Heirlooms. Shoulders 200 Shards. 1H weapons 200 and 2H weapons 350 iirc.

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Reroll feral.

Yeah this has been what I’ve been thinking of doing. I’ve been a little paranoid though about honor resetting. I take it that won’t happen?

Buy gold, then do gdkp. Absolute fastest way to gear up.

Who cares about fun, anyway?

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Feral is the way to go

Buy gold and do gdkps. Game isn’t played for fun anymore, it’s all about flexing your parses and getting gold capped on multiple toons so you can be full bis and then do it all over again on another alt. I would need to be 20iq or on some good stuff to be able to put myself through that much torture.

If you are going to do bg’s just do regular heroic world tours if you can find them. There are also no “cheap” BoE’s on the AH either. That has been debunked for months.

And no, you arent doing heroics for the 200ilvl gear like most people think because they are retail tourists and didnt even bother to figure out how the catch up system worked. You do them for emblems and those emblems can get you almost all 232 gear outside of a few pieces.

Most people wont take people with pvp gear either outside of regular heroics.

Furious gladiator weapons will be available for honor after the PvP season ends, if it’s like the end of last season. That would be October 3rd after maintenance/weekly reset, whichever comes later.

Get Brewfest trinkets before they’re gone. They’re ilevel 200, but having double Sundial or Mirror is better than having blues, with one of those trinkets being from 40 emblems of heroism you probably got questing.

Wrathful pvp gear will be available for honor come October 10th, and Relentless PvP gear will be discounted–not sure whether the 3rd or the 10th. They’re high enough level that the pvp stat being a waste isn’t that bad.

No one really takes people with pvp gear, outside of the weapons.

Your best bet, is to buy boe epics off the ah, you can full gear in boe 232-245 epics, there are so many pve boe epics in wotlk, you can actually gear and instantly go into ulduar, totc and be at 4500 gs soon as you hit 80.

your 80 so you should have some gold, if not start farming or buy some tokens,

your instantly kicked if people inspect you and you have 99% pvp gear.

There’s a boe epic for almost every slot cept weapons(changes in phase 4 when you can buy a 251 ilvl epic weapon from batterdhilt)