Gong Ringing Soon on Some Realms

You want to ban players again, who dispel and gank streamer scum?


All the irrational streamer hate in this thread is so cringe. Envy is a ugly look.

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So, what I’m reading is gank the steamers relentlessly?



its not hate its indifference, what we hate is the fact that streamers get special treatment from blizzard. whats actually “cringe” are the thousands of streamer simps like yourself who financially support and bend over backwards just to be in the digital presence of these nerds, who are no better than you and I. thats the sad part


Once again, the Classic community misinterprets a statement, and then proceeds to spew vitriol against anything and everything.

No where in this statement does it suggest or imply any sort of streamer privilege. Are Blizzard employees not allowed to enjoy watching streams? I know, simply mentioning the word “streamer” causes an emotionally charged and visceral reaction, but let’s no jump to conclusions and reach for meanings that aren’t there just to fit a false narrative.

Last I checked, streamers never receieved preferential treatment when it came to server queues or similar systems, so it’s irrational to assume that they will here as well.

It’ll be funny to see future posts about how Blizzard doesn’t communicate with the Classic community. This thread is likely one of the reasons why.

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These realms are rushing content! Don’t they know they won’t get another? To that end godspeed. Go forth.

Incendius? How the heck?

esfands guild has 8 thunderfury’s, they had both bindings and an eye drop in a single raid…while most guilds far superior to crusade have yet to see just one. i think that speaks for itself

It speaks for nothing. It’s a conspiracy theory. What reson do you have to believe that it wasn’t just dumb luck?

Is it because he’s a streamer? And you have convinced yourself of this narrative that streamers receieve preferential treatment in every aspect of life?


Old epics = epics that had been looted prior to phase 5.

Ill be streaming Skeram’s 10hr war at kaghoegaming on twitch. I’ve never done the gate event or opening so it should be fun

Clearly you haven’t been in Orgrimmar on a late Tuesday afternoon/early evening if you think “the servers can handle more stress than they did back then.”

If I could hack I would hack this close to the opening (but I can’t hack)

All these people whining about streamers. They didnt say anything about giving preference to streamers on being able to get into Silithus. But to me for those people who CANT get into Silithus because of player caps, at least they can watch the event on a stream for someone streaming who DID make it in. Its not great but at least its something for those people who get screwed over.

Honestly whenever they end up making Classic F R E S H in the future, I would hope they would prioritize accounts who contribute to the war effort, and give higher priority based on how much they contribute.

I do understand where they’re coming from, though. Streamers are being lavished meanwhile non-streamers are being shoved aside.

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hope you guys are watching whats happening on earthfury the coalition is doing all the can to stop the dad guild of the server from completing their mount. griefing at every quest they possibly can. killing mobs to prevent the dad guild from getting the required quest item from them. sitting nearly 20 people on the island to grief there quest taker from completing the quest. thought these things were bannable offenses but these guilds are doing all they can to stop them, the true hero’s of the server!


I mean the level of tone deafness by the company is staggering.

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I kept hearing about how matts were left on Incendius when people transferred so that’s how.

It’s funny how 3 of the 5 realms are Incendius, Incendius #2 (Earthfury) and Incendius #3 (Netherwind). The people from that realm are damn driven for a gate opening, I’ll give them that. Even though the whole event was as toxic as it possibly could be on both Earthfury and Netherwind.

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I too have troubles reading between the lines, moreso when willfully ignoring it.

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https://www.twitch.tv/daniel_hdgamer ill be streaming Hype train lol

That’s such a contrast to Pagle, the official server of dads. The sweaty guild got roasted hard and plenty of dads will be getting their mount.