Goldthorn Tea Problem

In the absence of content recently I decided to do some achievements and hunt some missing recipes. Every other recipe in the unlearned tab for my cooking is in the game except this one. When I looked it up there were multiple posts about how if he’s removed from the game and possible fixes to it.

OCD is my personal issue with something I decide to to. This has been bugging me for a while and other people for past 3+ years and hasn’t been resolved. It’s an easy fix you can either do it in the code itself and remove it from unlearned tab as it is wrong to have it there and tell you where you can find it and you keep looking and resetting the dungeon for hours.

I read also different options such as a suggestion to just remove it from the game altogether but that doesn’t seem fair to me for people that got it while it was available. What I would like to offer is just to remove it from unlearned tab since it is such an easy adjustment by just removing it from the list in the code. It would still keep it unobtainable but it wouldn’t be an eyesore to the player that want to have everything currently available.

I have tried to contact blizzard over support and they kept telling me that it’s simply unobtainable and that they can’t do anything about it. Their best suggestion was this to make a thread on the forum and hope enough people gain interest so let’s see if I’m the only insane person that is annoyed by that one unlearned recipe that is there whenever I open that tab


Just be glad you aren’t an engineer. They have a whole list of recipes they can’t learn as they can only choose one of two specializations.

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Imo that should also be addressed and worked out in a way that when you pick one of the two you lose the ability to see the other one in unlearned tab. Basically they should look into things like this in general. We just need people to express that more.

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First you’ll need people to care more.

I have Goldthorn Tea as my sole unlearned cooking recipe. I have Goblin Engineering cluttering up my “Unlearned” engineering tab. However, it doesn’t bug me at all. Never has.

Some folks just aren’t bothered by opportunity cost.

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I mean that’s fine. I’m glad that you’re not bothered by it. I wish I wasn’t either personally. Thing is it’s something that is easily fixable. I am aware that there are people that just don’t care, and that there are people that do, but personally as everything in the game changes I believe this should too. After all it’s an RPG game.

If I am being bombarded by things that I’m too late to accomplish and will never be able to because of my choices it just seems wrong.

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FWIW, Blizzard has resurrected old recipes before. Many vanilla blacksmithing plans got brought back in quest chains.

But given how they’re approaching the Covenants thing in Shadowlands, it feels more like they want more mutually exclusive “choices that mean something” (mostly, meaning you can’t have 3/4 of the choices).

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While that is true it seems that all the popular people of wow community are condemning it and asking for it to be fixed or hoping it will be fixed. Either way be it resurrection or mutually exclusive if you can’t have it at this moment in time I believe it should be patched for current events. It may be unobtainable now and then resurrected later.

Also them wanting mutually exclusive content gives a unique feeling but it will be balanced out the moment meta appears while minor things such as this that take little to no time to correct and then throw it in one of the patches are being neglected

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I have been hunting this recipe for sometime now and also ran into the same issues. So, I went and check, just to make sure…! Still, No little Henry. So sad this can’t be fixed or better yet, let’s be honest, they just don’t want to fix the error. The eye sore still remains… AN EYE SORE!

OCD sucks Blizzard…Get with IT!!!