I mean I actually don’t recall any issue with the Night Fae assault rather than the fast respawn of mobs when you are escorting the bear…if that. The Vethnyr one also wasn’t too bad except for fighting everyone to feed the dumb slug (which at least ate its food consistently unlike Kevin).
I think you’re projecting. And have clear anger issues that you aren’t managing. Good luck :\
What in the world makes you think its ok that it goes live after a several month long beta?
Bugs do happen. They should not be happening at the frequency or level of impact for the resources the game has available.
A misspelling or weird spell interaction? Cool.
The only dungeon added the entire expansion has a boss whose mechanics outirght do not work and have been broken since the PTR? Inexcusable.
I love the part where these shills realize they have nothing else to say and make it about “personal attacks” and “anger management” when they look like fools for coming in with swinging attacks.
For venthyr when I did it the npcs were stuck in permanent combat even while not engaged with anything so could not use the tea on them.
Night Fae the boat thing you rescue the souls in wouldnt go drop the souls off.
I am not sure why I’m a shill. Or why you’re insulting me. Are you okay?
I’m slightly confused at what your point is here. Are you saying people should complain when Blizzard does their job, or are you saying they shouldn’t complain when Blizzard doesn’t do their job?
It’s a good thing people aren’t talking about it now that it’s been fixed, isn’t it?
- Problem occurs.
- Players bring the problem to Blizzard’s attention.
- Blizzard fixes problem.
Are you saying the next logical step is for the players to continue to complain about a problem that has been fixed?
The only logical reason for players to continue talking about it is if it wasn’t fixed.
So now it’s “insults”. LMAO
Just ignore him. His feedback was ignored so he will just pick fights with whoever he can to work off the angst. My first ignored forum user and it was worth it.
Is being called a shill or saying I look like a fool a compliment? Am I missing something here?
I’m just pointing and laughing at GD for going full doomsayer over something that was fixed within a few hours.
You’re gonna love me for saying this, but that’s not constructive criticism.
I assure you that even with millions of dollars of internal testing, things will fall through the cracks.
Bugs are inevitable. what matters is how efficiently they get fixed.
He is in quite a few threads ranting and raving.
Ah gracious of you to grace us with your presence Your Majesty. Here to inform us of a new decree you declared which no one cares about?
No, I’m saying that reporting the bug and complaining is good.
Saying that WoW is being internally sabotaged by blizzard devs who hate their players, and do nothing but shill for money is just hilariously wrong.
Turning every little bug into a emblem of hate is funny to me, in hindsight.
My Feedback got ignored, but that doesn’t mean blizzard is out to get me.
Im a developer. I am aware bugs happen.
As a developer, if one of the major features I put was known to be broken, it wouldnt go live. I would also communicate with my client about what didnt work and if it was being worked on or not. P.O.S.T Master took 3 days to even acknowledge after going live, despite bug reports being in the ptr forum literally right now still.
Assaults also a major patch feature. 3/4 had outright progress bugs, and 1 had something I know I experienced and a couple others in guild.
I used to main monk. Ask me how many years the FoF combat bug has existed? (Also, btw its still live).
I love it. the shills feeding the shills.
The reverse is true too…a bug here and there isn’t the end of the world, but I find it hard to be argued that Korthia is great minus “1-2 bugs”…we STILL have issues with Maelie just deciding to not spawn for who knows how long, vanishing treasure chests trapped in some weird phase loop, and invisible walls out the wazoo that probably aren’t bugs but should of at least been art assets with clearly solid and impassable terrain.
Oh and a world boss properly clearing when killed (not to mention the likely overtuned monster he is) and assaults that are either flat out glitchy or at least cause people annoyance when stuff isn’t explained well or isn’t working as expected.
Can’t forget the new dungeon that is literally broken if you can’t manage to zerg the mailbox boss down since gl getting the boxes and portals to work correctly…
But hey…the raid is good (at least I heard of no major bugs). No surprise a tryhard elitist raider in a position of power made sure of that…
Nah rest assured it’s calling you a negative poster who just blindly defends the company and tried to crap on the community.
There’s nothing positive about your first post.
Actually, Sylvanas is bugged to hell and several of my team could not use any spells that were ground effects. Ashen, Earthquake, etc.
Not one part of this patch does not have some major bug in it.
Oh yes that…the tea thing I got around by realizing there were night fae in the entrance that could be fed tea. Still having a 20 min buff was just stupid…
I never heard or saw myself the issue with the souls. If anything, I found it bugged in my favor since when it was gone, I could collect new souls which were magically in the boat when it got back. Logically, I would have thought you’d been prevented from getting new souls until it was back but alas.