Gold Trading - Clear answer is needed!

Because there are people in the world who want any advantage they can get. Hell we probably have a few entitled types who even firmly believe that it’s their right to use any advantage, and a few more who think they have to do it just to “keep up” with others.

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You’re allowed to give your gold to other players.

If something goes wrong during the cross-game trade, Blizzard won’t refund your gold. They’ll probably ban the scammer though.

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no… but thats why they invent discord haha

This makes sense to me. What would be nice, with an official response from Blizz, is players doing what they can to minimize scammers on their own terms.

Setup a discord and post all transactions, from both parties there publicly; let it act as a blockchain for these ‘unsupported’ transactions for the community to root out scammers on their own w/o any Blizz intervention requested or required.

It should be against the rules as it wasn’t something available in Classic since there was no other client at the time.


The whole quote is:

They’re right, trading directly would be highly disruptive because the inflation in retail means it’s easier to get thousands of gold and pumping that into Classic would be destructive. But that isn’t what people are talking about here.

There’s obviously no direct trade window to trade between Classic and Retail. There’s also no way to directly trade gold between different servers and even regions yet that’s allowed.

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Some players have loads of gold on Retail, they want to tourist mode and want a leg up on Classic without actually wasting time farming there. They will happily trade Retail for Classic gold.

Some players have zero gold on Retail, because they havent played in years, but could pay their subscription for Classic if they could somehow get Retail gold. They will happily farm on Classic, the game they do play, so they can sell it for Retail to pay their sub.


This is doubtful, because we all know the answer already. “We cannot stop you from doing this, but we encourage you not to.” It might be safer for them not to answer at all, because when they give it, people may start to take advantage of the loop hole.

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In Vanilla I could have said that I’ll give you SoJs in D2 in exchange for WoW gold—try to think of this on a broader level than “BFA didn’t exist during vanilla”

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Why can’t I like this post more than once?! Perfectly illustrates the point.

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Giving a half answer in the AMA sure is bringing a lot of light and discussion on this just the same—they’d have been better off to ignore the question completely in that case.

There may be existing ways to do it that are allowed, but that’s on the Refail platform, and it’s Refail to Refail trading.

The economic effects of trading between the two different game environments with two very different economy’s is the concern. Hence why people are wanting to do it, because it will provide a massive boost.

If only there were some way to get mats in WoW besides buying them from another player…

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Unfortunately there is not.

I know seriously, what’s up with all these cheaters who get mats to sell on the AH, do they have a GM working for them or something?

I mean how common is this gonna be? It seems super sketchy to be honest to trust someone with that amount of gold and that it will be honored in the trade.

I just do see this happening very often if ever.

I don’t think we need to run on the assumption that these are all shady deals with strangers. I think, because of the unsupported nature and inherent trust issues, it’ll be more common for people to make transactions with those they already know and trust—guildmates, etc.

Others have pointed out (though I’ve never done it myself), trading between Blizzard games is apparently also allowed. Classic is just one more Blizzard game.

It really isn’t going to effect the economy as much as some people think. The gold still has to be farmed in Classic (which will be a chore), it isn’t being taken out of Classic, and no gold from Retail is being injected into Classic.


It really just seems like everyone is making mountains out of molehills here. Just doesn’t seem like it’s gonna be something that will have that huge of an effect. People bought gold all the time back in the day. Sure it was bannable and against TOS, but people still did it, and the economy survived.


As far as I can tell, so long as the initial gold was actually earned by those players, someone still hard to earn it and drive enonomy by doing so, so I don’t see the big deal. It’s not particularly the same as buying with hard cash from gold sellers.

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