Gold Trading - Clear answer is needed!

the very fact so many people are arguing about what is or what isnt is reason enough blizzard themselves needs to come in and verify it

Because you can already indirectly trade gold for in game items/services across different servers and regions in WoW. According to others in this thread, trading between WoW and other Blizzard games is also allowed (though I’ve got no experience with this part myself, talk to them).

What makes you think Blizzard would suddenly make an exception for trading between Classic and Retail?

Better yet, how do they even tell and where is the line drawn if they decide it isn’t allowed? Best case scenario, they force players to add an extra step that’s a minor inconvenience.

Person A: “I’ll run you through Deadmines in Classic for 1000g”
Person B " And I’ll run you through Nighthold in Retail for 100,000g"
Both prices are exorbitant, but they’re technically selling an in game service for in game currency which is 100% allowed and the gold still changes hands as if they said “I’ll trade you 1,000g in Classic for 100,000g in Retail.”

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“Buying or selling for “real” money or exchange, gold, weapons, armor, or any other virtual items that may be used in a Game outside the Game platform.”

If they are deemed different game platforms then it might not work that way.

Trading gold between retail servers is not the same as trading between classic and retail as they are different games.

You’re going to need a hell of a lot more monopoly dollars to exchange 1,000 classic gold.

its only “allowed” by your personal interpretation of Blizzards response to the exact question being asked in the AMA.

The AMA response was pretty clear for most, and i’d be careful advising people otherwise or engaging in your suggested idea in game.

As I said earlier people, we’re talking about a perma-ban as a possibility, and now it’s potentially two games you could get banned from. I wouldn’t risk it but if you want to, go for it. Just do us all a favor and do make sure to post your results, if you’re even able to afterwards.

Just so we can be clear here people, here’s the link to the post with the question included :

Pretty Plain to see, the question asked exactly about trading between platforms, and the reply was a no, it’s bannable.


I have a level 30 farming spot that allows me to vendor 10 stacks of a particular mob-dropped item for exactly 82 silver 50 copper per stack. I can get a full stack of this item in a few minutes. Do the math :slight_smile:

I used this area on a level 49 bracket WSG twink rogue to completely self-fund his purchases of blue and purple reputation gear. There are a bunch of these hidden spots tucked away if you know where to look.

Honestly, players should be banned for even suggesting any method of gold transfer.


Bumping till a blue addresses this.

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I don’t plan on doing it. Gold is meaningless to me in Classic and if I want gold in Retail I’ll just buy a bunch of WoW tokens. So in the end, I don’t really care if it’s allowed or not, just posting here between doing stuff in game. :stuck_out_tongue:

“Gold exchange between players is subject to our terms of service.” Makes it seem pretty clear to me though: as long as no real world money/items/services are exchanged then it’s fine. Even if it isn’t, it seems almost impossible to enforce.

I think you’re just seeing what you want to because you don’t like the idea of someone getting an unfair advantage.

The first thing I found with a bit of very limited googling is this from 2013 which seems to support it will be allowed, since nothing outside of the game world is being traded:

There’s also this from 2018:

So if nothing else, you could trade incredibly overpriced carries in each game as a means of trading the gold and it would be perfectly fine.

There’s nothing plain or clear about Blizzard’s answer.

First two sentences are about direct gold transfers. We all knew that wouldn’t be allowed.

Third sentence is an utterly boilerplate statement that the TOS apply. The TOS apply to everything that happens in WoW. That tells us nothing.

The last sentence is the only one that adds anything. But does Blizz consider a BFA WoW player a “3rd party” relative to Classic? Not clear at all.

It seems to be a deliberately vague answer. Either because the person wasn’t sure of the answer or because the answer is “not prohibited” but they don’t want to encourage it.


Don’t pretend the answer isn’t clear and obvious just because you don’t like it.

From your link
“Transactions that include payment or services outside the game world (game time, transfers etc).”

This seems to further the idea that it is against terms of service as the transaction in one world does not go ahead without the secondary transaction in the other game world.

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Look it’s not my fault you can’t read for comprehension.

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The things they list are all real world purchases though, which we all know are against the ToS.

As we’ve both already said, we have different view points on this.

What is obvious though, is your desire to trade gold between platforms, which i’ll clarify I have no problem with. What you do with your account is entirely up to you.

I won’t be condoning such actions or recommending others be so bold, as it’s at minimum a “grey” area, at worst and more likely going to incur a ban. If it’s legit allowed and a Blue makes that clarification, more power to you dude. Until that happens though, don’t come crying to the forums about a ban if you do cop one.

They only list 2 things and then type etc. Also the situation we are talking about did not exist when that post was made. However, the explicit thing they state in your link is transactions that include payment or service outside the game world. If you trade gold in retail for gold in classic or vice versa you are engaging in a transaction that includes payment or service outside the game world.

So to consolidate a couple of things.

Here is a direct quote from the Terms of Service.

“Buying or selling for “real” money or exchange, gold, weapons, armor, or any other virtual items that may be used in a Game outside the Game platform.”

Then here is a quote directly from a blizzard post.

"Against policy: (may result in penalties applied to the account including permanent closure).

Buying/selling codes for pets, game time, etc..( Further clarification here:
Transactions that include payment or services outside the game world (game time, transfers etc)."

Both of these point towards these types of exchanges falling foul of the Terms of Service. My advice would be to avoid doing this until it is clarified that this interpretation is incorrect and you are instead allowed to do so.

lol, you’ve read way too much into me then. Again, seems like you’re seeing what you want to because you don’t like the thought of there being allowable but unfair advantages and you’re making me that boogeyman in your mind.

If they really didn’t want people doing any kind of trading between Classic and Retail, why didn’t they give a flat “No, it isn’t allowed” instead of pointing to their vague ToS that prohibits trading in game items for real world money?

You’re right, the situation we’re talking about didn’t exist, so we don’t know what exactly “the game world” refers to and how it’s evolved since then. Does it refer to just WoW? To all Blizzard games? According to people in this thread, trading between Diablo and WoW was allowed, but again I’ve got no experience with that. It seems reasonable though.

Again though, it’s all meaningless because people can just trade overpriced dungeon runs to trade gold between the games and that’s 100% allowed.

They did, right there. Then they cited why they’ve said that and directed you to the T.o.S. / EULA and listed the relevant heading. Please note the bit with they say it would be HIGHLY DISRUPTIVE for Classic, justifying their position.