Gold starved, any tips?

mining(the most profitable one) skinning and herb picking are nice professions to get your foot in the door if that’s your jam, if you want a more chill approach try fishing in nazjatar <spelling? the stacks go for about 1.5k on the ah(I advise making food with it and selling that tho, its worth more) if you want something a little more engaging the old strat of clearing all the firelands trash and resetting to do it again (Don’t touch bosses) that’s worth anywhere from 200-800 gold per about 5-10 min. clears it adds up fast. after you have a little collateral built up i advise getting some Auction House addons and get a feel from your market, you can keep reinvesting in to buying cheap and selling mid/high (be careful tho)
but hopefully any of this stuff can help you bank enough to start getting in on the gold trade :smiley:
Just remember these important words, people are lazy (you can buy stuff off vendors and resale it because they don’t want to go to vendors for vendor mats.)
also I’m going to give you a link for a AH website that lets you track market highs and lows to get a baseline on where you can profit
(theunderminejournal DOT com)
all of what i said is pretty common stuff so i not sure if I’m being helpful but here is to hoping!

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Hit warlord and pandaria heroic raids. Should net you a pretty penny w/ little effort.

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What are you needing gold for? I know servers are very defendant on prices. my realm is so dead that everything is very expensive and it never sells. I’ve cut prices in half on gathering material and it doesn’t sell except if its herb. I have about 250k and seems to go up 1-2k a day from just playing.

Selling Mythic+10 keys is relatively easy money. But it kind of requires you to have a decent group of people to run with.

Selling the Augment Runes you get from the dungeon tank/healer bags (or running LFR) can also be decent.

Awesome, thank you for all the valuable and useful information everyone. So it seems cool to hear about all the hidden opportunities and ideas that you guys have, and oh i’ve always wanted to do and finish up the Shadowmourne Quest lines.

I’ve been trying to make up gold for a Wow token, but at this point i feel like i’m just barely breaking even on a day of mythics unless i go out and grind gold to use. Im not even buying any expensive loot or items but just trying to save up for a token admid repairs. It’s a shame to miss out on Legion gold lol. My thinking was that the Next Xpac would likely inflate it so i’d hop in but that doesn’t seem to be the case lol. Man if only i had some of that legion gold, well no worries i’ll probably just have to resort to buying a month and then seeing if i can break though the next, ty everyone!

I miss those 5k missions. They were so good.