Gold Seller Tactic

Yeah, actually, you can. It is right there in the menu and everything.

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Fair enough. Dibs on my prime rib.

But even if you can get a lot of rare items with the layering hackā€¦no one has the gold to really buy anything yet.

I still donā€™t get where theyā€™re getting the amount of gold needed to service customersā€¦unless thereā€™s some kind of bugged mobs out there dropping a ton of coin.

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Some of the greens vendor for a lot. The vendors have a lot of gold, all the time.

Gold sellers where a thing 15 years ago. When you asked for warts and all. You get the private server gold seller companies that have it down to a art now.

Could I accept the invite and spam something like
GTFO my game!
Over and over?