Gold from legacy raids nerfed on PTR

This has been an incredibly depressing discovery for me, as items have been selling for the same amount of gold for a number of years now.

I’m not talking about legacy loot rules not being enabled in old content, I mean each individual item dropped is being vendored for considerably less.

It would be nice to know if this was intended, but I’m betting it is. I really enjoyed doing old raids for gold, it was relaxing and easy, and I felt I could achieve something with a small time frame.



Blizzard wants you buying tokens so their CEO can get a 5 million dollar raise next year.


All the more reason to be farming gold right now.


Gold inflation is a legitimate problem though.


I’m betting that the loot changes are intentional.

PS for those in the back, this isn’t related to legacy loot.


I’m going to guess this was a change to combat botting.

Sucks how it will effect the everyday average player.


How is something at the same price it was 6 years ago contributing to inflation? Why would it need to be lowered now?


Especially since there are better, alternative methods they could use to combat bots. Yet they are indignantly sticking their heads in the sand about it.


When raids are current they are much harder to farm weekly, and players are doing so for gear, not raw gold.

Today now, players are not raiding for gear upgrades in those instances, but to vendor off the items for gold, which Blizzard seems to have now decided were set too high.

…Or it could all just be a bug caused by the item level squish. We won’t really know for sure until 9.0 truly comes.

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Doesnt surprise me.
I farm old content for mogs and pets to sell…something blizzard doesnt set a price for.


Yes, there is the possibility that this isn’t intended.

However… some of these values have been in place for years and haven’t been current for a few expansions now. People have been farming them all this time, and now they change them? MoP, for example, isn’t exactly new farming content.


Why change them now? If it’s intended… because Blizzard can? With more and more raids added to Legacy they are likely taking action on how much raw gold players (and more likely bots) can make doing them all.

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There’s never been a level squish before. It could just be they haven’t evaluated gold prices for legacy raids under the level squish because it’s not a high priority.

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This is awful. This was the main way i made my gold. This better be a bug or i’m gonna be both pissed and poor.


If it’s about the number of raids, why not change it when they added Legion to the legacy loot changes? The new raids coming in won’t be farmed as legacy raids for at least 4 years.

If it’s because bots are a problem, there are better ways to do this without kneecapping players that don’t want to play the auction house and would rather get gold to play in other ways.

It’s always bugged me when they arbitrarily take out something that’s been there for years and years. Portals are a good example. Obviously level 120 players need to get to Thunder Bluff but not level 30s… right? Let them fly or wait for the zeppelins!

Argh… I really hate it when they do this. Just leave old stuff alone.


how much gold draenor raids are giving now? normally a BRF now days give 2k gold, how much a 9.0 BRF is giving on the PTR?

I can’t tell you why. I’m only speculating as to why.

But if players can solo up to Mythic Legion content at 60 easily… you could farm weekly…
~120 bosses in Legion
~90 bosses in WoD
~99 bosses in MoP
Doing Heroic Heroic and Mythic where you can
Not including the LFRs too…

Say you average 150g per kill… That’s 46k a week per character, and that’s not even all the raids you could do. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m just saying it’s easy to see why Blizzard will take action now when they haven’t in the past, because we didn’t have this many raids and difficulties to farm years ago.


Normally I would be inclined to give benefit of doubt, especially with content still ‘in progress’. However, since buying BFA about 1.5 months ago, I am far less inclined.

I’m getting a real bad feeling about some of the stuff I have been reading, along with what I have personally experienced in the current expansion; less loot in old raids, less gold for what does drop, people saying Ion doesn’t want players to play certain specs/classes. I’ve read speculation on curbing botting, not sure how that would help much; forcing people to buy tokens with real money, not effective if players cannot make the gold to buy them.

I’m not much on conspiracies but, it almost seems like more ways to ‘encourage’ the kind of game play those at Blizzard want rather than what players want to do.


I am kinda getting that vibe too, that and they don’t want the casual player to get coin from old content. They must jam everyone into current content so it seems more popular then it really is. Some of the things currently I have been avoiding in hopes Blizzard understands it is not fun. Like grinding currency to enter an instance that is very punishing if you fail or the very alt unfriendly systems in place(I like playing more then one alt, otherwise I would get bored).


It’s not that simple, killing every boss in every raid on every difficulty, even with the best gear and speed equipment, takes time - a lot of it. People have done whole video series on just how much time it takes. (Kraken Latte, for example, has some really good ones.)

This isn’t about inflation, or more people running old content, though. If that were the case these changes would have been made long ago, and kept current.

If these are intentional changes, then it would appear Blizzard simply does not want its players running old content for gold.