Gold from event chests

An hour ago the chests given for completing the open world events, A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen and A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens gave 1500k gold but now they only give 200. Is it a bug or was there a nerf without warning?


200g is “normal” however there is a rare chance to get a bag (with a different name) that awards a much, much higher amount of gold. I’ve gotten that once for Dream Wardens last season, but I got it from the Niffen probably about four or five times… that’s for the whole of Season 3 so it’s not that common.

It’s likely intended that only the “active” events drop full gold in season 4 while the rest are in legacy reward mode.

edit: nevermind, just did a Keep and as others pointed out, it too is now 275ish gold. I guess fun was detected? Or maybe it’s another overnerfing bug?

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The active ones are now dropping 200g. Bummer. Was hoping to get 1500g on all my alts.

I got the large one on Tuesday from Weekly Val quest…it had 14,000+ gold in it…have gotten those quite a few times before too…

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Oh, I misread OP’s quantities… I thought he meant 15,000 vs 200, not 1,500. /shrug

I noticed this too.

Got 1500g for doing Soup yesterday, then 200g today.

Like what gives Blizzard, you bunch of Scrooges.

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The problem is that they have always given 1500 gold but from one moment to the next it would drop to 200 regardless of whether I was awake or not.

The obsolete weeklies only give 200g or so. Apparently the new S4 weeklies have been given the money now. Dadddy Blizz obviously only wants us to be doing the new shiny thing. Strangest thing is that the SL anima weekly still rewards 1600g. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

1 million gold damn. Right into the inflation. Good thing they hotfixed it.

(Yes I know it’s a typo)

It’s probably too much gold and they don’t want things inflated.

Strangely, I think the Shadowlands paragon chests (the 10k rep bonus chest, not the daily) still gives around 3500-4000 gold. Haven’t had one since season 4 started though.

I can make that in a couple hours while just mining and opening up chests…expedition bags and Tuskaar Tackle boxes…and sell all the junk from them…that not including the gold I make from selling the ores and stuff from mining now.

Understood, my point wasn’t that this a good way to make gold, just adding to the conversation that gold nerfs for chests seem a bit arbitrary.